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Chinese Philosophies

Published on Nov 29, 2015

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  • It began in India
  • It was founded by Siddhartha Gautama
  • One of the beliefs was that there shall not be any pain
  • Also every one should give up all desire
  • Believed in reincarnation
Photo by e_monk


  • The core of Buddhism is based on the Four Noble Truths
  • Also it's based on the Eightfold Path
  • It spread through the Southeast Asia and to East Asia
  • Buddhism does not hold a belief in a deity
  • They believe in reincarnation,but when they die they can reach the nirvana
Photo by Wonderlane


  • The founder is Kung Fu-Tu
  • This is not a religion
  • This is a ethical code
  • The goals are order,harmony,peace
  • This is seen in the Five relationships
Photo by jondresner

Confucianism continue

  • The five relationships are
  • 1- Parent-child: kindness
  • 2- Husband-wife: righteous behavior
  • 3- Elder sibling younger sibling :gentility in the eldest brother
  • Four and five will be on the other page

Confucianism cont.

  • 4- elder friend-younger friend: humane consideration in elders
  • 5- Ruler-subject: benevolence in rulers and loyalty
  • It spread by his followers after his death
  • It spread to Korea and Japan

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