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Chinese Philosophies

Published on Nov 28, 2015

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Chinese Philosophies

Taoism, Buddhism, Confucianism
Photo by malias


Photo by easyflow


  • Grew from ancient Chinese philosophies
  • Their single founder was Lao-Tse
  • It was a reaction to the spread of Confucianism and Buddhism


  • Tao(Dao) means "The way" (or the path)
  • Taoism spread primarily to the areas immediately surrounding China
  • The symbol most associated with Taoism the Yin/Yang
  • They focused on achieving balance and harmony in the universe
  • The three Jewels, compassion, moderation, and humility


  • Yin/Yang reflects the ideals of harmony and balance
  • The Tao Te Ching is the most significant text
Photo by Leo Reynolds


Photo by HKmPUA


  • Began in India
  • Its single founder was Siddhartha Gautama
  • It incorporated much of Hinduism in its practice
  • Siddhartha Gautama concluded that the cause of all suffering is desire
  • Gautama developed compassion for all ways to eliminate hardships


  • Buddhism teaches the concept of reincarnation
  • Buddhism does not hold a belief in deity
  • Spread to Southeast Asia and to East Asia
  • Never widely accepted in India
  • Much of Buddhist teaching was incorporated into Islam


Photo by jondresner


  • During the Zhou (Chou) dynasty
  • Began after the end of feudalism
  • Its founder was Kung Fu-Tzu
  • The primary goals are order, harmony, peace, and happiness
Photo by jondresner


  • It is not a religion
  • It is seen in the five Relationships
  • Spread by his followers after dealth
  • The teachings spread to Korea and Japan
  • Became the foundation of Chinese education
Photo by jmurawski


  • Parent-child
  • Husband-wife
  • Elder sibling-younger sibling
  • Elder friend-younger friend
  • Ruler-subject: Benevolence in rulers and loyalty of ministers and subjects
Photo by Evil Sivan