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Tianjin is full of culture and there are many traditional dishes consumed. The cuisine of Tianjin mainly consists of sweet, yet salty flavours. Most of Tianjin's cuisine is seafood as it is located near the sea. A popular street food from Tianjin is Chatang which is made from Millet and Millet flour. After that boiling water is added and then sugar is placed in to sweeten the dish. Another feature of Tianjin is the food known as Guobuli which is a steamed bun. There are hundreds of different varieties, some sweet, some savoury.

Tianjin has some incredible attractions and some incredible historic POI's. One of these is the Tianjin Eye. The Eye was built in 2007 and stands 110 metres tall on the Yongle Bridge. Another attraction is HuangYa Pass, a small section oft he Great Wall Of China. It is 78 Miles long and is set in mountainous terrain, with steep slopes and sharp inclines.

There are some beautiful Hotels in Tianjin and the one I chose to stay in is called The Ritz-Carlton, Tianjin. The word for Hotel in Chinese is FÀNDiÀn (饭 店). I really enjoyed my stay there and the view was awesome.

Tianjin is a city full of history and ancient pieces of Chinese culture. Tianjin was one of the most important trading sites for Europeans in the late 19th century and was, and still is a thriving sea port.The most recent major event that happened in Tianjin was the explosions that took place at midnight on August 12, 2015 When a huge explosion rocked the Tianjin port.

Photo by trolleway

There are multiple means of transport in Tianjin but the main mode of transport is bicycle. The word for bicycle in Chinese is ZÌxÍngchÈ
(自行车). The Tianjin train station network is very sophisticated and effective. The word for train in Chinese is huǒ chē(

Photo by IvanWalsh.com

Tianjin has a unique culture which is different to a lot of other parts of China. There is a street in Tianjin called Culture Street. It is full of the cultural food of Tianjin. The culture of Tianjin is very food based as they have unique flavours and smells. I loved everything about Tianjin's Culture.

Photo by docsdl