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chp 7 vocab

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abhor-to regard with horror or loathing; to hate deeply
synonyms:detest, despise
antonyms:admire, cherish

Most Americans abhor terrorists because of the terrorist attacks on 9/11.

Photo by wstera2

amend-to change in a formal way; to change for the better
Synonyms: modify, improve, correct

Wearing contacts amends my vision and helps me to see things better.

Photo by haglundc

buffet-to slap or cuff; to strike repeatedly; to drive or force with blows; to force one's way with difficulty; (n) a slap, blow
synonyms-batter, osck, thump, pummel, toss about

The buffet left a red handprint on the boy's face.

Photo by Vermin Inc

chaos-great confusion, disorder
synonyms-anarchy, turmoil, pandemonium
antonyms-order, regularity, tranquility

The house was left in chaos and disorder due to the big party.

Photo by WarzauWynn

commodious-roomy, spacious
synonyms- comfortable, ample, capacious
antonyms- cramped, claustrophobic, insufficient

Although the advertisement on TV showed a commodious hotel room, the reality was that the rooms were very cramped.

Photo by AbyssWriter

corrosive-eating away gradually, acidlike; bitterly sarcastic
synonyms-caustic, mordant, adidulous, spiteful antonyms-bland, mild, benign, amiable

Overtime, the corrosive rush of the Colorado River ate away at the surronding rocks and formed the Grand Canyon.

Photo by kevin dooley

discern-to see clearly, recognize
synonyms-perceive, detect, distinguish

It can be hard to discern your family when in a big crowd, because many of the people are blocking the view of them.

extant-still existing; not exterminated, destroyed, or lost
synonyms-surviving, in existence
antonyms-extinct, defunct, vanished

Many novels center around the idea of Jesus' bloodline being extant and still existing today.

Photo by David Reeves

implicate-to involvein; to connect with or be related to
synonyms-incriminate, entangle
antonyms-absolve, exculpate

The suspect's implication to the crime was proven wrong by DNA testing.

Photo by Ariane Middel

inter-to bury, commit to the earth; to consign to oblivion

The family intered a baseball bat into the man's grave because he was an avid baseball fan.

martinet-a strict disciplinarian; a stickler for the rules
synonyms-taskmaster, slave driver

Teachers often act as a martinet in the beginnign of the year to avoid having a rowdy class later on in the year.

Photo by WarmSleepy

obviate-to anticipate and prevent; to remove, dispose of
synonyms-preclude, forestall, ward off

A defenseman in hockey must obviate his opponent, so he can prevent any chance of a goal.

Photo by Roo Reynolds

renegade--one who leaves a group; a deserter, outlaw; traitorous; unconventional, unorthodox
synonyms-turncoat, defector, heretic
antonyms-loyalist, patriot

Phil Collins can be considered a renegade because he left his group Genesis.

reprehensible-deserving blame or punishment
synonyms-objectionable, blameworthy

On the outside the boy showed that he thought he was blameless, but on the inside he knew he was reprehensible for his actions.

Photo by !anaughty!

somber-dark, gloomy; depressed or melancholy in spirit
synonyms-mournful, dismal
antonyms-bright, sunny, cheerful

The boy looked somber for the whole day because he got a bad grade on his test.

squalid-filthy, wretched, debased
synonyms-foul, vile
antonyms-neat, lofty

The boy forgot to air out his hokcey bag, and as a result there was a squalid stench coming from it.

Photo by Pauline Mak

turbulent-disorderly, riotous, violent; stormy
synonyms-tumultuous, unruly, agitated
antonyms-calm, placid, tranquil, still

The people became turbulent and violent over the years due to their unfair dictator.

vociferous-loud and noisy; compleeing attention
synonyms-clamorous, uproarious
antonyms-quiet, soft spoken

The class began acting in a vociferous and noisy manner becuase they had a substitute teacher.

Photo by Elvert Barnes

voluminous-of great size; numerous; writing or speaking at great length
synonyms-bulky, massive
antonyms-meager, brief

The book bag was not big enough to hold the two voluminous text books in addition to the binders and folders.

waive-to do without, give up voluntarily; to put off temporarily, defer
synonyms-decline, relinquish, forgo
antonyms-claim, accept

The boy waived the offer to go to the University of Notre Dame and instead chose the Clemson University.