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Photo by MapHobbit

Christianity intro

Chritianity is the most practiced religion it has over 2 billion worshipers. It is divided between two factions the Catholics and the orthodox.

Photo by nomanson

Holy Book

The Holy book of the Christians is the Bible and has 23,145 verses and 26 verses per chapter. The bible contains two section the old testament and the New Testament

Place of worship

Christians worship in churches. Each are usually dedicated to a certain saint or event. The spiritual leaders in the church are priest or ministers.

Photo by Paco CT

Symbol of Christianity

1)The cross was a symbol of suffering and defeat but also of triumph and salvation. the cross is the universal Christian symbol, acknowledging by all denominations as the single visual identifier of their faith.
2) Another symbol is the fish. It was a fish symbol with Greek letters inside (ixthus). This represented the words " Jesus Christ is God's son , the savior"

Important people

Christians believe That God sent his son, Jesus Christ to the earth to save humanity from consequences of its sins. He was then crucified by Pontus Pilate the chief priest of the the Jews; that is where the symbol comes from.

Photo by ibarra_svd

Events and information

1) Christmas was the day Jesus Christ was born (on the 25 of December).

2) Easter is known for Jesus Christ's resurrection from the dead (March 27)

Photo by Thomas Hawk