Christmas Around The World
You might think Christmas is celebrated the same all over the world, well, you're incorrect, every country has its own special celebrations and customs.
In Spain, they say Feliz Navidad, which means Merry Christmas in the U.S.
The children in Spain open their presents on epiphany (The Three Kings Day). We, on the other hand, open them on Christmas Day.
The Three kings are the wise men that took gifts to baby Jesus. They deliver them from house to house on camel backs. Here in the U.S. Santa Claus arrives on a sleigh pulled by reindeer.
Spaniards have around six Christmas celebrations: Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, feast of Candlemas, Dia De Los Santos, Epipahny, and Midnight mass(until January 6th). For Americans, it ends on Christmas (December 25th).
People keep their Christmas threes outdoors due to the limited space inside. They also have Belenes, or nacimientos. We tend to keep ours inside. Both Spain and U.S. Use the same decorations, like or ornaments and lights .
They have special markets for Christmas items, like the ornaments, lights, and Christmas threes. ( plaza mayor)
Spaniards stuff their turkey with truffles, not chocolate ones, mushroom ones. They also eat all kinds of different sea food more than anything else. We put bread stuffing in ours, or nothing at all. Ham is also something we eat during Christmas.
In Spain, they have a traditional dessert, Rosca De Reyes. Here in the U.S. we usually eat different kinds of pies (pumpkin, apple, cherrie, etc) or other sweets.
After all this research, I would love to visit Spain during Christmas. I'd love to try all their foods and desserts, But mostly, learn about of all their celebrations.