Christmas tree worm ethan filo

Published on Feb 25, 2016

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Christmas Tree worm

By ethan Filo

Photo by quinet

Christmas tree worm

  • Size ranges from 1 to 4 centimeters.
  • Scientific name is Spirobranchus giganteus
  • Apearence is very similar to the Christmas tree
  • Comes in many bright colors.Stands out in the ocean
  • plumes for feeding and respiration


  • It uses the coral as a home/anchor and then they catch phytoplankton
  • Bright color to attract prey,bristles to catch the phytoplankton, and stem to anchor to the ground and physical adaptation.
  • Reproduction and plumes for feeding and respiration help it survive and populate in the ocean.


  • The Christmas tree worm is located in coral reefs all around the world. the map show some of their main locations.


  • Only animal the looks like a christmas tree
  • Only is found in coral reefs and only comes in bright colors
  • close to being endangered

Negative impact
Every day humans capture them and turn them into a aquarium decoration and by doing this they are slowly becoming endangered. Also all of the trash acidifies the ocean making it harder to breathe.

Joey Hachtel

Haiku Deck Pro User