
Published on Sep 01, 2021

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Photo by Brooke Cagle

Why do we use
How Might We?

Photo by Matt Walsh


  • Suggests that we do not yet have the answer
“How" suggests that we do not yet have the answer. “How” helps us set aside prescriptive
briefs. “How” helps us explore a variety of endeavours instead of merely executing on what we
“think” the solution should be.


  • Offers a chance to solve the problem in a variety of ways
“Might" emphasises that our responses may only be possible solutions, not the only solution.
“Might” also allows for exploration of multiple possible solutions, not settling for the first that comes to mind.
Photo by katerha


  • Helps us understand that problem solving is a collaborative effort
“We" immediately brings in the element of a collaborative effort. “We” suggests that the idea for
the solution lies in our collective teamwork.

Your HMW should identify the problem.

Your HMW should NOT suggest a solution.

Photo by mag3737

Not too broad.
Not too narrow.

Photo by Hans Clarijs

There is NO HOMEWORK in EAGLE or P3!!

Coming soon...

Photo by Hello I'm Nik