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Opening Prayer: 
We ask for Your guidance and a little more: 
guidance in relationships, 
guidance in decisions, 
guidance in love, 
and guidance in worshiping You.   

Circle of Grace

Published on Mar 06, 2023

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Circle of Grace

9th/10th grade
Opening Prayer: 
We ask for Your guidance and a little more: 
guidance in relationships, 
guidance in decisions, 
guidance in love, 
and guidance in worshiping You.   
Photo by Leo Reynolds

Circle of Grace & Circle of Virtue

It is important that that the youg people understand the relationship between the Circle of Virtue and the Circle of Grace.  The Circle of Grace is always present andnever leaves us.  Our Circle of Virtue is 
our response to our Circle of Grace and can change due to our free will. 
Circle of Grace : The love and goodness of God that always surrounds me and others. 
Circle of Virtue: Our response to the invitation of God’s grace by cultivating goodness and 
virtue in our lives. 

Photo by mrnilspeters

“God created man in his image; in the divine image he created
him; male and female he
created them. God looked at
everything he had made, and he found it very good.”
(Genesis 1:27, 31 from the New American Bible)

The reverence and respect we must have for all human life is based upon our creation in His 
divine image. 
Review the following: 
 Human beings are the only creatures on earth that God willed for their own sake.  
Humans are unique because we are made in the divine image enabling us to share in 
God’s own life. 

“Every human life, from the
moment of conception until
death, is sacred because the
human person has been willed
for its sake in the image and likeness of the living and
holy God.” (Catechism of the
Catholic Church 2319)

All persons possess God‐given dignity, and inappropriately violating of the emotional, 
physical, sexual, and spiritual boundaries of a person is both harmful and potentially 

Familial Level

Family intimacy/trust
The Familial Level is typically the most intimate.  In most families 
intimacy usually means a 
high level of trust.  Unfortunately, some families do not trust each other very much.  We 
know families are usually the place where the most historical/
current relational interactions 
occur.  We usually do not 
“choose” who is in our family.  
Families are where we first learn 
about boundaries.  The desire to have loving connections with our family is core to our 

Personal Level

Friends we choose
The Personal Level typically has 
relationships that are chosen 
such as friends.  Friends are 
peers with whom we feel safe and share common interests.  
These relationships usually have 
a balance of power, status and 
resources, i.e. same age, same 
grade level and interests. 

Institutional Level

Community, school or groups
The Institutional Level 
relationships are based on our community, school or groups to 
which we belong.  This is where groups gather who have 
something in common such as 
churches, neighborhoods, 
schools, sporting or club 
activities.  This level has both 
adults and children/youth 
working together for a common goal.  This level usually has adults who are in charge of the safety and well being of the children/

In small groups

  • Is your Circle of Grace different in each relational level? If so, how?
  • How is your Circle of Grace similar in each level?
  • What do each level’s boundaries do to protect you?
  • List people in each of your levels.

More to think about...

  • Are there behaviors you would do in one level but not another? Why? What are they?
  • Is it ok for some people to be in several levels? If so, why is it ok? When is it not ok?
  • What do we mean when we say each level has unique boundaries?
  • How would you describe a boundary?

Step in or step out

  • Your group should come up with 10 different situations/interactions
  • Write each one on a different card
  • Keep in mind the different levels (familial, personal, institutional)

Step in or step out

  • Pick a card
  • Decide what level it belongs in with your group
  • Step into that level
  • Point for team if correct:)


  • Borders or limits - keep safe/separate
  • Concrete (physical/visual/audio)
  • Abstract (emotions/beliefs/internal guidelines/rules)
 Violations   – Circle of Virtue
We have just completed the 
“Step Right or Step Out Activity”.  This activity helped us 
understand the different levels of intimacy and influence.  We 
have also briefly discussed 
boundaries.  Boundaries are 
borders or limits that help keep us safe and separate from 
another person or entity.  They 
help define our relationships.  
They can be concrete 
(physical/ visual/ audio) or 
abstract (emotions/ beliefs/ internal guidelines/ rules).  Many 
times a situation can have both concrete and abstract boundaries.  Example: Someone sees 
the sign posting the 40‐mile speed limit and decides to decrease their speed.  The concrete 
boundary is the posted sign and the abstract boundary is the knowledge that you may get a 
speeding ticket.  (Invite the youth to think of other examples of concrete and abstract boundaries.) 
Many times we are unclear if a 
behavior is crossing a boundary. It is important to 
listen/discern what our “gut” is 
telling us.  This is the prompting of the Holy Spirit to make 
safe choices and seek help when we are unclear.
Now let’s brainstorm behaviors 
which violate our concrete or abstract boundaries within our 
.  These boundary violations could happen at any or all of the relationship 

In small groups

  • How do people violate an individual’s concrete boundaries?
  • How do people violate an individual’s abstract boundaries?
  • Can someone violate his/her own boundaries? If so, how do they do this and why?
  • Are boundary violations common when using technology? What are these violations? Is it easier to violate a boundary using technology or face to face? Why do you think it is that way?
  • Name some behaviors that indicate a person has an underdeveloped or no sense of boundaries.
  • Name some ways you protect your boundaries when using technology and social media, and how these suggestions can be useful.
  • What are some ways a person can seek help if he/she is currently or has already been exploited/abused in a relationship?

Closing prayer