City of Joplin

Published on Jun 06, 2016

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City of Joplin

Rate Design ∙ Er-2016-0023

Public Comments

"I am on a fixed income with a part time job."
-Mary K.

"[M]y wife and I did not get a raise this year on our Social Security. We had our pensions cut."
-Galen C.

"Those of us on Social Security are being hit really hard. My bank account continues to dwindle..."
-Donna P.

"[The last rate case] increased my overall bill by almost 30.00 dollars. I...have not received a...raise to help cover this."
-Crystal S.

Customer on social security and requested increase will add $30 to his bill.
-Patrick W.

"I [am elderly and] get $1,500 per month and soon I won't be able to pay all my bills."
-Marjorie C.

"If the increases keep coming, we are going to have to move out of Empire Electric's area and drive in to work."
-Tamala S.

When Rates started to go up...

  • "[W]e did our best to save on electricity. We hang our clothes out on a line, bought energy saving light bulbs, unplugged appliances."
  • Bill continued to "go up."

Untitled Slide

  • Set thermostat to 68 degrees in winter and 78 degrees in summer.
  • "I...wear heavy clothes in the winter to keep warm."
  • "[O]ur rates continue to climb."

"We are doing our part...We...[have] $20,000 a year to live on. Everything is going up...[except] our monthly check."
-Kenneth R.

Tammy Walker

local community action agency

Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program

4,496 households in six months

Energy Crisis Intervention Program

2,026 Households
86% were Empire Customers

Census Bureau Statistics

Median Household Income: $37,899

Percentage of Persons in Poverty:
Percentage of Persons >64:

Haase Testimony

Four Rate Increases since 2010

Total increases since 2010 - range from 27.7% - 35.5%

In a five-year time frame, residents also saw a 132% increase in water rates.

Unlike large commercial and industrial customers, residents must bear the increased rates themselves.