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civil rights

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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civil rights

part 1

14th amendment

  • Due Process
  • Equal Protection
Photo by Gamma Man

plessy v. ferguson

  • LA: Separate Car Act
  • Plessy: 7/8 white; 1/8 black
  • Volunteered to test law
  • Arrested
  • Supreme Court: "Separate but equal ..."

plessy v. ferguson

  • 14th Amendment ... 
  • Not intended to abolish color distinctions
  • ... nor to allow racial commingling 
  • Separate but equal facilities


  • Underlying problem for black Americans?
  • What is a sit-in?
  • How was it suppose to help?


  • First four that started "the movement"
  • Who joined them?



Aftermath: Many restaurants began to ...

freedom riders

freedom riders

Court: Segregated interstate buses ILLEGAL

freedom riders

  • Who were they?
  • What was their intent?

freedom riders: Anniston, AL

  • A bus burned; a few beatings

freedom riders: Birmingham, AL

freedom riders: Montgomery, al

freedom riders

How did President Kennedy protect them?

freedom riders: Jackson, mississippi

freedom rides

What did they accomplish?

little rock 9

little rock 9

  • 1954 Brown vs. Board of Ed. of Topeka?
  • Separate educational facilities were ..."?"
  • Overturned which case?

southern white reaction

Little Rock 9

governor faubus: Little rock 9

national guard: "no entry"

little rock 9

president eisenhower: did 2 things

Little Rock 9

the lost year

the lost year

  • What did the Governor do?
  • Where did white students go for school?
  • Where did black students go for school?

Untitled Slide

the lost year

  • What happened to supportive teachers?
  • What happened to school board members?
  • How were state employees intimidated?