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Civil Rights Movement

Published on Mar 16, 2016

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Photo by DonkeyHotey

Jackie Robinson-
Jackie Robinson was the first African American in the MLB. THIS WAS A BIG STEP IN GETTING AFRICAN AMERICANS THEIR RIGHTS after constantly being discriminated. Two of his famous plays were the leaping catch at first, and him stealing home. People threatened him but he kept playing for those rights. He was inducted into the hall of fame his first year of being nominated. He started the end of discrimination, and helped blacks be treated equally, to play in sports just like whites,

Photo by idccollage

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Photo by idccollage

I have a dream speech-
Martin Luther king Jr. Was a preacher. He gave the I have a dream speech on August 28 1963 during the march on Washington. Thousands of people were there at the Lincoln memorial. This pushed the Civil rights act in 1964 after JOHN F KENNEDY's assassination and the speech.

Photo by yuhui-usa

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Photo by yuhui-usa

Little rock nine-
Nine black kids entered an all white school. Brown vs. board of education made the decision. Arkansas governor called the national guard to block them out, but the president said they must them in. Of these nine kids, only one graduated, Ernest green.these nine kids ended segregation.

Photo by cliff1066™

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Photo by cliff1066™

Total outcome-
In all these 11 people stopped segregation, had blacks be able to play the same things as whites in the same league, and helped blacks stand up for themselves and not be discriminated. Jackie lived until 2001, MLKJ WAS ASSASSINATION IN '68, and I don't know what happened to little rock, but what I know is these 11 outstanding people shouldn't ever be forgotten.

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The struggle for civil rights book


Photo by mhaithaca