What is it?
Missouri wanted to enter the Union as a state and Maine wanted to join as a free state. John C. Calhoun and Henry Clay created the Missouri Compromise to settle the issue. South of the 36,30 line: yes slavery.
What did the North think about this?
1. The North realized slavery was becoming more of a problem.
What did the South think about this?
1. This reawakened fears that the North's point of view represented negativity towards slavery.
What is it?
Henry Clay and Daniel Webster created this.
1. California:free
2.Utah and Nevada could choose.
3.Slave trade prohibited in Washington DC.
4.Fugitive slave law.
What did the North think about this?
1. Liked
2. Maintained a goal to preserve the union.
3. Zero support of Fugitive Slave Law portion.
What did the South think about this?
1. Liked it
2. Thought breakdown of the agreement would result in secession
3. Supported Fugitive Slave Law
What was it?
Declared all runaway slaves should be brought back to their masters. 1000's of African Americans were already living in Canada to escape. Abolitionists were very vocal in their dislike.
What did the North think about this?
1. Worried African Americans were living in the North
2. Brought issue of slavery to North
What did the South think about this?
1. They were pleased with the law because they wouldn't lose as much money.
What is it?
Very influential book that told of a slave's life that had escaped from his master.
What did the North think about this?
1. They hated the way Southerners treated slaves.
What did the South think about this?
1. Thought abolitionists wrote the book
2. Thought the book was fake
What is it?
1. The right for Kansas and Nebraska to decide through popular vote if they were going to be a free state or a slave state.
What did the North think about this?
1. They were angered because it repealed the Missouri Compromise
What did the South think about this?
1. They were pleased because there was a higher chance more states will become slave states.
What was it?
Missouri Slave sued for his freedom in North.
Slaves were...
-Not citizens
-Property(due to 5th amendment)
What did the North think about this?
Dismayed because judge ruled Missouri compromise unconstitutional
What did the South think of this?
1. Because runaway slaves might be sued for their freedom, Southerners were overjoyed
What is it?
The seizing of the federal arsenal at Harper's Ferry trying to end slavery.
What did the North think about this?
1. He became a hero because he tried to end slavery.
What did the South think about this?
1. He was disliked because he tried to end slavery
What is it?
Anti-slavery Abe Lincoln won the election causing the North to secede.
What did the North think about this?
Liked it because there was a better chance of ending slavery.
What did the South think about this?
1. Even though Lincoln assured slavery would not be abolished, southerners did not believe him and seceded.
2. Jefferson Davis becomes president of the Confederacy (the states that have seceded).