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Published on Nov 27, 2015

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What you are known by.
I chose this picture because it shows a book about what you gossip about, is how people perceive you.
Photo by fernand0


To keep on doing something whether good or bad.
I chose this picture because if you resist doing something then it will keep on coming back at you until you do something about it.


The appropriateness of what is spoken or written.
I chose this picture because in pictures like this people can interpret you in a bad way.
Photo by ttcopley


Getting put on a public profile.
I chose this picture because if you get tagged in a picture like this people can thank you were doing something bad.
Photo by Enthuan


Affecting your community.
I chose this picture because once something goes public anyone can see it.
Photo by meironke


Belonging to someone who only shares with his or her friends.
I chose this picture because you shouldn't go on a private profile but people do anyway.
Photo by Garret Voight


Tricking someone.
I chose this picture because if you trick someone it is like blindfolding.


Real life
I chose this picture because in reality anything can happen.
Photo by Jochen Sand


To provide a meaning too.
I chose this picture because people can interpret different meaning of what you said.
Photo by Stockbyte


To put on a social network.
I chose this picture because what you post is extremely difficult to remove.


Doing something that can change the course of your life.
I chose this picture because it shows how beautiful the world is without electronics.
Photo by ecstaticist


To miss understand the meaning of something.
I chose this picture because people can miscontrue the meanings of pictures like this by thinking this is a cop car.
Photo by kevin dooley


What people see. What they think you are.
I chose this picture because you wouldn't want a creep looking at your profile to know you are pregnant.
Photo by seanmcgrath


What people perceive you as.
I chose this picture because identity is what people see you as.

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