Cardano was the first to describe typhoid fever, which is a disease caused when Salmonella Typhi, a type of bacteria, is growing in either the intestines or blood.
At one point, Cardano took notice of imaginary numbers(complex number), which he did understand. In 1572, Rafael Bombelli set the rules for complex numbers.
Cardano also introduced in one of his books, Opus novum de proportionibus, binomial coefficients and the binomial theorem. Binomial coefficients are family of positive integers that occur as coefficients in the binomial theorem...
and the binomial theorem describes the algebraic expansion of exponentiation of binomial; a binomial is a polynomial(an expression consisting of variables and coefficients that involves all operations except division and negative integer exponents) which is the sum of two terms.
Cardano's went to study medicine at the University of Pavia, in 1520, and 5 years later, he many times applied to the College of Physicians in Milan but was denied because of his bad reputation and illegitimate birth. Eventually, in 1539, Cardano was admitted into the College of Physicians.