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Published on Nov 22, 2015

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by Lakhena Park
Photo by CIFOR

Recent Event

2011 - 2015
Photo by 350.org

A new analysis of the Earth's temperature record by scientists proves the planet's land surface has greatly warmed up over the last century.

Photo by slworking2

The arctic sea reaches a minimum of 3.41sq km a record for the lowest summer cover since satellite measurements in 1979.

Photo by Taraji Blue

The Mauna Loa Observatory reports that the daily mean concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere has surpassed 400 parts per million (ppm) for the first time since 1958.

Photo by jurvetson

Environment Ministers pledge to add $300 million in investments in an international green climate fund to help countries develop clean energy sources to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuel consumption.

Photo by miuenski

Two teenagers are suing the state of Oregon to take action to prevent climate change.

Photo by ItzaFineDay

Two teenagers are suing the state of Oregon to take action to prevent climate change.

Photo by ItzaFineDay

Probable futures

Photo by Tim J Keegan

Increased Warming
Continued growth in world greenhouse gas emissions the primary climate models used in this Assessment project that temperatures in the US will rise 5-9°F (3-5°C) on average in the next 100 years. A wider range of outcomes is possible.

Photo by Domiriel

Vulnerable ecosystems
Ecosystems are extreemly vulnerable to the magnitude of climate change

Alpine meadows in the Rocky mountains are likely to disappear entirely. Others like the forests of the Southeast are to experience species shifts or break up into woodlands, and forests.

Increased damage in coastal areas
Climate change and the resulting rise in sea level are threatening to infrastructure in climate sensitive places.

Photo by SwaloPhoto

Infrastructure damage is related to permafrost melting in Alaska, and to sea-level rise

Photo by mypubliclands

Near-term increase in forest growth
Climate change is likely to cause shifts in forest species such as sugar maples moving north out of the US. Also, change processes such as fire, insects, droughts, and disease will decrease forest efficientcy

Photo by kevin dooley

Secure food supply
The agricultural sectors are likely to be able to adapt to climate change however this can lead to falling prices and competitive pressures and benefit consumers.

Photo by VinothChandar

Widespread water concerns
Drought will be a concern in every region. Floods and water quality are concerns in most regions. Snowpack changes will occur in the West, Pacific Northwest, and Alaska

Photo by Kuyan Redman

Probable futures

Photo by harold.lloyd

Efficient consuming
Learning to consumer more with less. Employing more efficient appliances will help reduce amounts of CO2 released

Photo by austin tx

Infrastructure upgrade
Energy-efficient buildings and improved cement-making processes will have reduced gas emissions in the world and prevent it form spreading worldwide.

Hydroelectric power
Hydroelectric power is used instead of burning fossil fuels, and thus reducing carbon gaz emissions

Abundant water supply
Installations such as water saving showers will be put in place and everyone will perform water saving gestures.

Photo by Theen ...

Green adds
Corporations will promote a greener lifestyle to the public as well as advertise and sell eco-fuels

Photo by kevin dooley

Preserve marine life
By preserving marine wildlife the food chain will not be disrupted, ocean surface temperatures would remain at a stable level. Corals will continue to strive in oceans because there would be no acidification.

Photo by williamcho


Photo by ecstaticist

Green rooftops
Rooftops must be covered in plants or solar panelsGreen roofs have an isolating effect, helping reduce the amount of energy needed to heat a building in winter and cool it in summer.

Photo by mdpai75

Transportation is a leading cause of climate change, moving closer to work and schools can help lower gas emitions

Photo by WarzauWynn

Eat smart
Going on a green diet such as vegetarianism can help impact the planet in a positive way. Meat requires pounds of feed to produce a pound of protein.

One child
Falling birth rates have begun to reduce the population explosion. Per capita energy consumption must go down in order for climate change to be controlled.

Photo by paparutzi

Future fuels
Studies have found that the amount of electricity generation in the U.S. could provide enough energy for all the to convert to plug-in hybrids which can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the process.

Recycle the wood derived
Harvesting, transporting and cutting down tree's sends 1.5 billion metric tons of carbon to the atmosphere which represents 20 percent of human-made greenhouse gas emissions. Improved agricultural practices could eliminate such a significant chunk of emissions.

Photo by surfneng