CMA Additional Thoughts

Published on Apr 26, 2018

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Who enjoys receiving criticism? Most don't.

We frequently avoid critics.
We falsely believe that keeping our distance keeps the
criticism at bay.

Photo by tropical.pete

CMA has moved to taking member questions, ideas, proposals, concerns and complaints all year, not just once a year at AGM.

The Good News!

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Soliciting more criticism can boost your success scores.

Photo by Thomas Hawk

It seems paradoxical, however the availability heuristic has proven that soliciting more criticism can improve your ratings.

Photo by Bill Jelen

Availability Heuristic - people sometimes judge the frequency of events in the world by the ease with which the examples come to mind. (Tversky and Kahneman, 1973)

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This availability heuristic research was extended to show that the more opportunities people were given to evaluate something, the higher they rated the overall score. (Winkielman & Schwarz, 2001; Schwarz, 1998 and 2004; Craig R. Fox, 2006)

Photo by albertogp123

Thoughts On Nonprofits From Management Guru Peter F. Drucker

Photo by IsaacMao

Nonprofits are businesses. They are not non-governmental. It is that they do something very different from either business or government.

Photo by Olu Eletu

Business supplies, either goods or services.

Photo by nicolasnova

Government controls.

Photo by NicoTrinkhaus

A business has discharged its task when the customer buys the product, pays for it, and is
satisfied with it.

Photo by Clio CJS

Government has discharged its function when its policies are effective.

Photo by Zac Nielson

Nonprofit institutions neither supply goods or services nor controls.

Photo by marie-ll

A nonprofit's product is neither a pair of shoes nor an effective regulation.

A nonprofit's product
is a changed
human being.

Photo by jetheriot

Nonprofit institutions are human-change agents. Their product is a cured patient, a child that learns, a young person that grows into a self-respecting adult; a changed human life altogehter.

Photo by mabi2000

Nonprofit institutions are in fact social enterprises focused on a mission to cause positive
human change.

Photo by Jill Clardy

We Are Wired To Connect!

Photo by brewbooks

Dr. Matthew Lieberman's research found that our need to connect is as fundamental as our need for food and water.

Photo by Thomas Hawk

"Being socially connected is our brain's lifelong passion," says Lieberman. "It's baked into our operating system for tens of millions of years."

Our institutions should be guided by the principles of our social brain.

Photo by Chang Duong

When considering going totally digital with a product or service, how will we meet the needs of our social brains?

Photo by Creativity103

Often, our online interactions
with others drives our need
to meet with each other
face to face.

Photo by Tim Marshall

Untitled Slide

Jeff Hurt

Haiku Deck Pro User