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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Kyleigh Spencer and Rachel Wilson
Photo by monkeyc.net


  • Sprite,codeine, and jolly ranchers 
  • Lean is a mixture of the three to give you a high feeling.
  • Liquid codeine or a codeine pill can be used in this drink.

Codeine Pills

  • Cough medication (Oncodin)
  • Some prescribed pain killers (Atarax)
  • Diarrhea medications (Kaopectate)

Liquid codeine

  • Robitussin Ac
  • Sinact CS
  • Procodyl
  • Ospidyne

Side Effects

  • Addiction
  • Stomach bleeding
  • Tiny pupils
  • Sexual problems
  • Loss of coordination


  • It is becoming more common an estimated 33 million a year.
  • Codeine is the most over prescribed drug on the market.
  • The human body must convert it to morphine to feel the effects. 
  • Effects start 10 to 30 minutes after ingestion.
  • Codeine comes from opium poppy and is related to morphine and heroin.