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Cold War

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Andie Washington
Photo by CassAnaya


One of very few extremely powerful dominate states, in an era when the world was politically divided

United Nations

Founded in 1945, and international organization to promote peace, security, and cooperation with the worlds nations

Photo by karen horton

Iron Curtain

Political barrier that separated Eastern Europe from Western Europe


A U.S. Policy that attempted to limit Soviet power around the world by preventing the spread of communism

Marshall Plan

U.S. aid plan in Europe to promote economic recovery after WWII


1949, a mutual defense pact made by Western nations

Warsaw Pact

1955, defense pact between USSR & Eastern European nations

Arms Race

Competition for weapons superiority

Photo by Peer.Gynt

Cultural Revolution

1966-1976, revolutionary upheaval and political persecution in China

Korea War

1950-1953, between communist North Korea, supported by soviets and China, and non-communist South Korea, supported by U.S. and UN

Viet Cong

Communists in South Korea

Photo by manhhai

Vietnam War

Early 1950-1975, war between North and South Vietnam

Photo by ABC Archives

Domino Theory

Belief that if Vietnam became a communist country, the rest of Asia would fall like dominoes

Covert Action

Secret economic, political, or military operation sponsored by a government, designed to support foreign policy


1970s, easing of Cold War tensions between the East and West


Policy of building a weapons arsenal so deadly that no other nation will attack

How did the Cold War change the world?

The Cold War changed the world by splitting Europe between East and West. It also stopped the spread of communism. It showed which countries are superpowers and which countries needed help. The Cold War was helpful and hurtful to the world.