Why is this procedure done?
Untitled Slide
- It is done to detect abnormal areas of tissue of the cervix
- If a Pap smear shows abnormal results
- if abnormal development is observed by a physician
How is the Procedure done?
The gynecologist will insert an instrument called a speculum
The physician will then swab the cervix with a vinegar or iodine to highlight abnormalities
The physician will use a lighted instrument called a colposcope.
The physician may use a laser to burn off abnormal cells
The physician may scrape the inside of the cervix if there are abnormalities that can't be seen
How is the patient positioned?
During the procedure the patient lies down, face up, in the lithotomy position with her legs bent and spread apart, feet in stirrups
More Information
- Lasts about 10-20 minutes
- Not painful but patient may feel little discomfort or pressure
- Procedure is very safe
- Biopsy may be done with this procedure
- Procedure may need to be repeated regularly if abnormalities were found
cervical tissue from biopsy