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Digital Citizenship Communication.
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Published on Nov 26, 2015

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By: Savana, and Jon 
Digital Citizenship Communication.
Photo by monkeyc.net

What does it mean to communicate online?

It means to exchange information electronictly.  
There are many different ways to communicate online. With friends, family, emergency personnel, and many more.

communicate with others online

You can go on places like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and many more.    
You can go on places like Facebook, instagram, snapchat, vine, twitter, and many more places to communicate with other people.
Photo by SalFalko

Emergency communication

You can contact emergency personnel for help in Emergencies  
For quick help in Emergencies you can call emergency personnel for help.

Family Communication

You can email your family to communicate with them  
Families can communicate with each other on the internet, and through their phones. They can easily share information even when they are far away from each other.
Photo by BananaStock


You can text, or call people to communicate with them.  

Video chatting

You can video conference for work, or if if your  family member is far away
You can communicate through video conferencing, many businesses do this we people throughout the world.

Communicate with your friends

You can communicate with your friends on the internet. 
There are many different ways of communicating with your friends online, such as snapchat, Facebook, twitter, instagram, and so on. You can stay connected with the most recent gossip even if you are on the other side of the world.
Photo by Jupiterimages


You can also email people to communicate with them.
People use email to contact other people with news, upcoming events and much more. There are many severs for email, like Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail and much more.
Photo by thisisbossi


(On Notes) 
Bickley, Dana . "Digital Citizenship." www.nisd.net/digitalcitizen/. Web. 12 Feb. 2014. .

Digital Citizenship . Dir. Xin Zhang. 11 Jan. 2012. Youtube. Web. 12 Feb. 2014.
Photo by SideWages

The End

By: Savana and Jonathan
Photo by Tc Morgan

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