While my mom and I's days are spent differently, they are also similar. Our day is mostly taken up by sleep. School takes up the second most part of our day. These are similarities because we both sleep most of the day and the second most is taken up by school and it shows that though we are different we can be similar and spend our lives similarly.
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However, while my mom goes to school 14% of the day, I go to school 24% of the day. My mom only has free time 9% of the day while I have free time 16% of the day. While I sleep 43% of the day, my mom sleeps 41% of the day. My mom does housework 18% of the day while I do not. I play with my cats 8% of the day while my mom doesn't. These are differences because it shows we spend our days differently and that I do some things longer than she does and she does some things I don't do.
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While both my mom and I sleep most of our day, she sleeps 41% of the day and I sleep 43% of the day. While school is the second most thing that takes up our day, I go for 24% of the day and she goes 14% of the day. While my mom and I's times are different, they are also similar.
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