Complex Trauma
- “A psychologically distressing event that is outside of usual human experience that induces an abnormally intense and prolonged stress response.”
Physical, sexual, emotional abuse or neglect
Natural disasters
Involuntary hospitalization
Generational poverty
Community violence
Interpersonal violence in the home
Injury and death from accidents
Life threatening medical conditions
Trainer Note
Deep and often uncontrollable hurt individual that an individual feels after being traumatized.
Intense betrayal often from someone they love that may be repeated
Psychological state of not trusting anyone (rigid boundaries) for fear of being deeply hurt again.
Highly frustrated and quick to react may be due to the Limbic System Response to trauma
Take on the victim role and tend to blame the worker for mistakes they may have made. The executive functioning of their brain may not be able to take on the concept of personal responsibility when they have endured so much challenge
Due to all the above, they may feel they are entitled to more than may be reasonable or that is offered from any one organization
May use deceptive measures as a survivor skill that has not been worked on yet.
May go into graphic details of horrifying events with little or no affect do to disassociation not understanding the impact of the details has on the worker
Hesitant to tell the truth for fear of consequences and/or vulnerability.
Using these points is done to help the participants in the training soften the lens they are looking through at their clients. It is a reminder that those who have been through great stress may not realize that their survival skills and/or coping mechanisms are unhealthy.