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Complex Numbers

Published on Nov 29, 2015

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Complex Numbers

Lesson 3.12
Photo by @Doug88888

What is a complex number?

  • A complex number can be real or imaginary
  • rational or irrational if it's real
  • have a repeating decimal if it's irrational
  • or be an integer or fraction if it's real
Photo by @Doug88888

Imaginary numbers

  • an imaginary number is the square root of a negative.
  • i = √-1
  • i² = -1
  • if r is a positive real number, then √-r = i√r
  • if r = 2, then (i√2)² = i²(2) = -2
Photo by @Doug88888


  • Simplify: √-50
  • -50 = 5 x 5 x 2 x i x i
  • one pair of 5's and one pair of i's
  • put 5 and i outside of radicand
  • 5i√2 is the answer
Photo by @Doug88888

When solving

  • when solving for a variable
  • and you are taking the square root of both sides,
  • you must have the plus and minus sign
Photo by @Doug88888


  • Solve: 2x² + 11 = -37
  • subtract 11 from both sides, 2x² = -48
  • divide both sides by 2, x² = -24
  • take the square root of both sides, remember the plus and minus
  • x = 2i√6, x = -2i√6
Photo by @Doug88888

Writing Complex numbers in standard form

  • a + bi
  • a is the real part
  • bi is the imaginary part, it has the i
Photo by @Doug88888


  • add and subtract, then write in standard form: (6 - 4i) + (6 + 4i)
  • add like numbers,  6 + 6 =12, -4i + 4i = 0
  • the answer is 12
Photo by @Doug88888

More Practice

  • multiply complex numbers, then write in standard form: (9 - 2i)(-4 + 7i)
  • use foil: -4 x 6 = -36, 9 x 7i = 63i, -2i x -4 = 8i, -2i x 7i = -14i²
  • i² = -1, -14 x -1 = 14, rewrite problem: -36 + 63i + 8i + 14
  • combine like terms: -36 + 14 = -22, 63i + 8i = 71i
  • the answer is -22 + 71i
Photo by @Doug88888

The End

Photo by @Doug88888