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Compromise, Conflict, and Slavery

Published on Nov 22, 2015

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Compromise, Conflict, and Slavery

The Civil War Era

The Missouri Compromise

  • North of MO Compromise Line would be free
  • South of MO Compromise Line would be slave
  • Maine became a free state
  • Missouri became a slave state
Photo by keeva999

Compromise of 1850

  • California became a free state
  • UT and NM Territories could decide if they would allow slavery
  • Fugitive Slave Act: escaped slaves had to be returned
Photo by Brian Wilkins

Kansas - Nebraska Act

  • Created KS and NE Territories
  • Popular Sovereignty: people could decide if they would allow slavery
  • Eliminated the MO Compromise Line
  • Created conflict between pro and anti slavery settlers
Photo by suttonhoo

Bleeding Kansas

  • Violence between pro and anti slavery settlers
  • Border Ruffians: MO settlers who raided anti slavery settlers in KS
  • Jayhawkers: anti slavery settlers in KS
  • Attack on Lawrence: Border Ruffians destroyed parts of the city
  • Pottawatomie Creek Massacre: John Brown killed 7 proslavery settlers  
Photo by ruralocity

Dred Scott Decision

  • Dred Scott sued for his freedom and went to Supreme Court
  • Court said Afr. Amer. are not citizens, have no right to sue
  • Court said slaves were property, not people
  • 5th Amendment protects people's property from being taken away

JOhn Brown's Raid

  • Led an attack on Harpers Ferry, VA
  • Planned to steal weapons from military arsenal and arm slaves
  • Brown and his men were captured or killed
  • Brown was convicted of treason and executed