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Slide Notes

Digilearners on FB


Computational and Algorithmic

Published on Nov 19, 2015

No Description


Digital Technologies

Computational Thinking and Algorithms
Digilearners on FB


Digital technologies

Photo by Scott McLeod

Australian Curriculum

Digital Technologies Subject
Digital Technologies is a subject within the Technologies Learning Area in the Australian Curriculum.

TfEL .3s

The research conducted by the Pedagogy Team, indicates that SA teachers are really good at creating safe supportive environments but that we sometimes do this at the expense of rigour.

Any use of technologies needs to address

Negotiating the learning - personalisation
Exploring the construction of knowledge - whose voices are being heard?
Applying and assessing learning in authentic contexts - the teacher is not an authentic audience, the web offers an authentic connection with broader communities.

Untitled Slide

Creator of Technologies

Two subjects
Critical - Design and COmputational Thinking

Untitled Slide

Critical End User - this is the difference between Digital Technologies and ICT capabilities. ICT gen cap is about being a critical and creative end user, DigiTech is about being a critical creator of technologies themselves.

The Main Game

Digital Systems, Data, Computational Thinking, Collaboration and Management
Digital Systems
Representation of Data
(knowledge and understanding)
Collecting, managing and analysing data
Computational thinking
Collaboration and management
(process and production skills)
Photo by Horia Varlan

SAMR and Blooms

Diverse Starting points

Computational Thinking

Defining, designing, implementing, evaluating
Computational thinking is a way of solving
problems, designing systems, and understanding
human behavior that draws on concepts
fundamental to computer science. To flourish in
today's world, computational thinking has to be a
fundamental part of the way people think and
understand the world. Carnegie Mellon
A problem-solving method that involves various
techniques and strategies that can be
implemented by digital systems. Techniques and
strategies may include organising data logically,
breaking down problems into parts, defining
abstract concepts and designing and using
algorithms, patterns and models. ACARA
How was the Bee Bot activity encompassing
computational thinking?
Photo by Barabeke

Learning through doing

Photo by Waag Society

Algorithmic Thinking

Other words for Algorithm?

Learning Area Explorers

Verbs, unfamiliar words or terms
Unfamiliar words/terms
Place your post its on a wall or record in Today's Meet

What do the words tell us about the essence of this subject?
Photo by Ivy Dawned
