Conceptualization Information Gathering Assessment Management

Published on Apr 07, 2019

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Information Gathering

The File on My Desk

Case Conceptualization
Photo by EU Social

Untitled Slide

  • who is the offender?
  • who is the victim?
  • what was the offending behaviour?
  • what were the offence dynamics?
  • what do I know about the offender's risk?

Talk to the Offender

  • be aware of your biases
  • collaborative approach
Photo by Ed Yourdon

Sexual Offending 101

Photo by Ken Treloar

Who are Sexual Offenders?

  • male or female
  • young or old
  • various education levels
  • married or single
  • strong or weak ties to community
  • criminal or non-criminal
Photo by ChodHound

Why do people sexually abuse?

  • biological
  • sociocultural
  • developmental/environment
  • situational/circumstantial
Photo by Ksayer1

Crossover Offending

  • adfhsODVH
  • skdjfsdj
  • kdjbsdj
  • sk;djbnsdkj
Photo by Elsie esq.

How to Assess Risk

  • clinical interviews
  • actuarial measures
  • structured risk tools
  • combined methods

Static Risk Factors

Never Lived with a Partner
Prior Sexual Offending
Criminal History
Unrelated Victim
Stranger Victim
Male Victim

Photo by echoln

Dynamic Risk Factors

Negative Social Influences
Relationship Instability
Emotional Identification with Children
Hostility Towards Women
Social Rejection
Lack of Concern for Others
Poor Problem Solving
Emotion Regulation Problems
Sexually Compulsive
Sexually Deviant
Substance Abuse Problem
Criminal Personality
Employment Problems

Photo by echoln

Risk Can Be A Moving Target

Photo by Hitchster

Why might individuals desist?

  • effective interventions
  • aging
  • life gets better
Photo by Micdes 2013


Do I need one?
What are the questions?
What type might I need?

Photo by Tortured Mind

Treatment Targets

  • Engagement
  • Offence Responsibility
  • Risk Factor Indentification
  • Coping Skills
  • Attitudes
  • Victim Awareness
  • Arousal Control
  • Relationship Skills
  • Trauma
  • Problem Solving

Indigenous Context

World View & Approach
Photo by Dyaa Eldin

Does Treatment Work?

Photo by Jon Tyson

Risk Management

Photo by W. Tipton


USE EXISTING SUPPORTS    Work Collaboratively
Photo by Shane Rounce

Who Is the Team?

  • Family
  • Probation
  • Child Welfare
  • Therapists
  • School
  • Others?
Photo by rawpixel

To Stay or Not To Stay?

That is the Question

What is the risk?
What is my assessment based on?
What is the impact on the family?
What is in the child's best interest?
What is the plan?
All or Nothing?

Family Reunification

When should this be considered?
What about offender denial?
Who should be involved?
What should the process look like?

Information Gathering

Untitled Slide

Danielle Fullan Kolton

Haiku Deck Pro User