Condominiums & Planned Communities

Published on Oct 25, 2016

No Description


Condominiums & Planned Communities

Condo or PUD?

Condo or PUD?

Why does it matter?

  • Financing
  • Disclosures
  • Assessments
  • Lending
  • Statutory Authority


Photo by tanakawho

Evolution of Condominiums

Photo by kevin dooley

Statutory Framework

Photo by Woody H1

Ownership Interests

Units, Limited & General Common Elements
Photo by swisscan


Fee Simple Ownership
Photo by Glueckstadt

Condominium Plat

Common Elements

Photo by Terry McCombs

Untitled Slide

Location of GCE

Formation of Condominiums

Photo by MSVG

Governing Documents

  • Disclosure Statement
  • Declaration / CC&Rs
  • Bylaws
  • Articles of Incorporation
  • Rules & Regulations


  • Description of Property
  • Unit Boundaries
  • Voting Allocations
  • Easements
  • Assessment Authority & Allocations

Legal Description

Ownership Allocations


  • Operating Guidelines
  • Number of Directors
  • Member & Board Meeting Requirements
  • Quorum Minimum
  • Use Restrictions

Government Approvals

Oregon Real Estate Agency, City, County, Asssessor

Planned Communities

Subdivisions, PUDs

Statutory Framework

  • ORS Chapter 94
  • Any subdivision with collective responsibilities
Photo by Nelson Minar

Untitled Slide

PUD Plat

Governing Documents

  • Declaration / CC&Rs
  • Bylaws
  • Articles of Incorporation
  • Rules & Regulations

Common Restrictions

  • Nuisance
  • Residential Use
  • Rental / Leasing
  • Parking
  • Architectural
Photo by mescon

Lien Priority

  • First Mortgage
  • Second Mortgage
  • Line of Credit
  • Construction Lien
  • HOA / Condo Lien

Reserve Requirements

Determining the Health of the Community

  • Rental Rate
  • Delinquency Rate
  • Use Restrictions
  • Litigation
  • Underfunded Reserves
Photo by Nelson Minar

Origin of Community Associations

Photo by paulidin

Characteristics of Associations

  • Restrictive covenants
  • Mandatory membership
  • Board elected by owners
  • Requirement to pay dues
  • Association has maintenance obligations

Types of Community Associations

  • Planned Unit Developments
  • Condominiums
  • Mixed-Use Projects
  • Cooperatives
  • Master / Subassociation

Association Records

Review these records:

  • Governing Documents
  • Budget and Finances (3yrs)
  • Meeting Minutes (3 yrs)
  • Reserve Study and Analysis
  • Insurance Coverage

Working Capital Contributions

Rental Restrictions

Architectural Changes

Meeting Minutes

Special Assessment Authority

Funding of Reserves