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Published on Nov 20, 2015

Examples of the different kinds of conflict. By Cheyenne and Meg.



Cheyenne and Meg

Man vs. Man

  • Curly and Lenny
  • Voldemort and Harry

Man vs. Nature

  • The Titanic hits an iceberg
  • In To Build a Fire, the man does not know how to keep warm. (we read this story freshman year)

Man vs. Supernatural

  • In Bless Me, Ultima, many people struggle with the fact that Ultima can do magic. They consider her a witch.
  • In The Crucible, everyone believes witches exist in the town, and they think people are evil.

Man vs. Society

  • In To Kill a Mockingbird, Boo Radley is thought of as a terrible person by everyone in the town.
  • In The Help, society looks down upon black people

Man vs. Self

  • Simon in Lord of the Flies (the monster is a figment office imagination)
  • In Bless Me, Ultima, Antonio struggles with wanting know who he is.

The End.