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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Confucianism is an ethical and philosophical system on occasion described as a religion, developed from teachings of the Chinese Philosopher "Confucius" named K'ung-fu-tzu.

Confucianism is originated as an "ethical-sociopolitical teaching" during the Spring & Autumn Period, but later developed metaphysical & cosmological elements in the Han Dynasty.



Name: "Confucius"

The most significant historical figure in the Confucian religion is of course Confucius (551-479 BC). Confucius was a Chinese philosopher, politician, teacher, and more who was interested in the moral conduct of people and socieities. His teaching is contained in the Analects.


Name: Chinese charater for water

Water is one of the five elements of Chinese philosophy, along with wood, fire, earth, and metal. Water is viewed as a life source, which likely stems from its importance in the natural world and for sustaining life. China’s east coast contain 9,000 miles of shoreline and its home to two of the world’s six largest rivers, the Yangtze, which is the third largest, and the Yellow, which is the 6th.


Name: Yin Yang

The yin yang symbol is common in many kinds of Chinese thought. It is especially prominent in Taoism, but it is also used in Confucianism. There are variations to its meaning depending on which school of Chinese thought is using it. In general, the circle represents a whole, while the halves and dots depict opposites, interactions, or balance.


Name: Chinese symbol for scholar

There are different scripts that reflect the idea of "scholar" or a "learned person" in the Chinese language. This version of the idea is especially connected to Confucian thought and can be rendered as "scholar, as in a Confucian."


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