Birds: mist birds are herbivores, but few, like an eagle, are omnivore. To adapt, they migrate south. They eat a variety of foods such as: combination of berries, nuts, worms, and small rodents or fish.
Coniferous Tree: has thick bark to protect them from the cold. They have cone shaped branches which help them cope with heavy snowfall, and pine cones help protect seeds.
The coniferous forest contains very important trees. The forest also takes advantage of environmental conditions. The most important about the coniferous forest is the fact that it is a biome that sustains life.
1: competition between species can cause extinction, thus harming biodiversity.
2: climate change effects biodiversity because some animals couldn’t survive the change of weather.
3: the actions of humans caused some extinction in the US, so we effect biodiversity simply starting by throwing a piece of trash in the forest. This leads to the ultimate affect pollution, which can cause animals to die out.