In our world, people consume a lot. In developed countries with high Gross Domestic Product, there are many consumption. In developing countries, there is not as much consumption.
Trading and usage of cars and transportaion are mainly taking place in developed countries because of their large economies, and wealth of their citizens, affordable of buying cars. (Larger economy&higher GDP=wealthier the most of the citizens are)
China itself has around 130 million cars(currently), and their growing economy making more people buy cars, being another major concern of increasing pollution caused by cars
In countries like America, which consumes 24% of the world's oil, many cars and transports use up lots of natural resources, also emitting lots of CO2.
Globally, road transport is responsible for about 16% of man-made CO2 emissions.
(Lots of CO2 emitted to the air contribute to the Climate Change)
Poor people in developing countries have less food because of international food trade that increased the local food price for them
When farmers realized that their food can be sold for higher prices in other countries, they stopped or lessened what they sold locally. It resulted for that poor people whom live in the same area to then have less options for food.
Stats show that an adult in a good country gets more cals per day(3,300/2,700), and people in poorer countries get less(2,400/2,700 or much less in very poor countries)
This info was on the book
Average american family of four use 400gallons / day, 70percent used indoors
12 percent of the world’s population use 85 percent of its water, and these 12 percent do not live in the Third World. Poorer countries do not have much access to water as the developed, wealthier countries like where these 12 percent of people live in.
Problems caused by operation/usage of transportation, such as CO2 emissions and consumption of lots of natural resource, can be lessened by buying and using less private cars, but traveling more by public transport or bicycle. This will decrease people's individual affect on climate change and pollution.
In fact, almost 30 percent of China's road travel was by bicycle in 2005; result of how people tried to use bicycles instead of personal cars.
For poor countries where not much of people own cars so that they have to travel on their feet, their problems can be solved by people throughout the world supporting them; help establishing plenty of affordable public transportation system in the country in need, or donating bicycles, bikes, etc.
Creation of amendment that forces rich people who benefit from the international food trade to support and donate/provide money for the people harmed by the international food trade will help to resolve the problem
Individual efforts to use less water is needed. Buy less bottled water, try to eradicate unneeded water consumption such as buying too much more bottled water than needed, etc.