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Contamination & Pollution

Published on Mar 29, 2016

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Contamination & Pollution

By Anna Simone & Maddie Lunn

“We are living on the planet as if we have another one to go to.” (Terry Swearingen)

Land Pollution

Land pollution occurs when waste is deposited on or into anything that can contaminate the soil and the earth's ground water. It is the destruction of the earth's surface. Deforestation, over crowded land fills, industrialization, sewage treatment, and nuclear waste all cause land pollution.


The effects of land pollution is soil pollution. Soil pollution is when the top layer of soil is ruined from things such as over using chemicals and soil erosion. This can cause a change in temperature. Deforestation leads to strange rain cycles. The land contaminated with dangerous chemicals can lead to skin cancer, human respiratory system, poisoned food.

There is no real benefits

China at the moment is having an industrial revolution. Their economy is growing and it is harming the environment. The factories, power plants and industries are causing tons of pollution. The factories are growing, but the world is decaying.

Air Pollution

Air pollution occurs when there is gases, dust, fumes or odor in the air. This starts when humans put waste into the environment that nature can not handle. Cars, gas, ash, smoke, other fumes are contaminating the air we breath.


Breathing in polluted air can cause a number of issues such as headaches, coughing, and eventually serious lung damage. People are breathing these chemicals and hurting their lungs every day. Soon, we might need help breathing because our air is so polluted.

China's Air Pollution

China has a bad problem with their air pollution. Many kids in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing, grow up with respiratory problems and asthma. In these places, many people have never seen the stars.

Water Pollution

Water pollution is caused by sewage water, waste, littering, and oil spills. There are no benefits from this form of pollution. Water is essential for all living things and polluting it will cause problems for all.


Water pollution effects all animals very negatively. They are defenseless and cannot clean the water like humans can. For many aquatic animals the water is their home and we as humans are destroying it.

California story

A recent oil spill in California has once again shown how horrible the effects are. Witnesses tell they see birds soaked in oil and black much washed up on the shore. Some even report the shore smelling like fresh pavement

Humans are carelessly ruining the world

Most people do not take care of the world in which we live on. Many believe that since they won't be here when the world becomes a dangerous place to live, they don't need to prevent the earth's decaying.

Have a Ball
When I was born I was given a ball, the ball was green and blue, my mom said, "Share and take good care. It belongs to others too. Keep it clean, keep the green part green, try to make the blue parts bluer. If you love this ball it will never grow old. In fact, it might grow newer."
So I did all that and I did some more. 'Cuz I love this ball a lot. And I hope that you will love it too... It's the only ball we've got!

Untitled Slide

Some companies are spending millions of dollars to prevent air pollution in California. They have improved the quality of air a bit but still are mostly polluting it. Large factories are one of the leading causes of air pollution and these company's efforts are greatly appreciated. Also, cars are being innovated to be more environmentally friendly.

Take Action

There’s so much people can still do to prevent pollution such as limiting the amount of energy you use. Turning off the lights when you leave the room is an easy and efficient way to prevent pollution. Also, carpooling is a great way to reduce the amount of fumes that go into the air and make air pollution. Finding other environmentally-friendly ways of transportation will prevent air pollution as well. All in all,little choices made each day an impact pollution as a whole. One small action today can make a huge difference in the long run.

What we can do to help

Anyone can recycle. Recycling is about reusing waste instead of throwing it into a land fill. As students we should make composting a year round thing. Composting is taking fruits and vegetables and using it to create soil.

Why Save the Beautiful Earth?

The earth is home to 7.125 billion people. If the world is fully polluted, then 7.125 billion people would be living in filth. Over the last 50 years, the earth's population has more than doubled. The population increase has been for the most part consistent since 1960. If this pattern of the earth's destruction continues, fresh air and clean water will be a thing of the past.