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Context Clues

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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  • A definition context clue is where the unknown word is defined directly in the sentence.
  • Examples- The caterpillar's incredible metamorphosis was a total change in form and shape.
  • The morpheme, word part that gives the meaning to word, gave us the definition of the word.
  • The union, joining together of the company, is going to be easy after our first meeting.
  • The successful businessman will eventually have a monopoly with total control over the companies.
Photo by angela7dreams


  • Restatement, or synonym, clues have other words that mean the same thing used in the sentence.
  • Example: The potent cologne smelled so strong that it permeated the room.
  • The omnivorous and ravenously hungry animal gobbled down the food immediately.
  • You have a tremendous amount of potential, or capability, to do well in this class.
  • The potency and strength of the spices made my mouth burn so badly!
Photo by blmiers2


  • Contrast, or antonym, context clues have words that mean the opposite of the unknown word in the sentence.
  • Contrast context clues are usually signaled by "whereas," "unlike," or "as opposed to."
  • Examples: Communism, unlike democracy, is based on a shared economy.
  • Separation of the molecule will be dangerous, whereas synthesis will be beneficial.
  • The synonym of the word would give a direct meaning, as opposed to the antonym of the word.
Photo by blmiers2


  • Example context clues give an illustration or example of what an unknown word means.
  • Example context clues use signal words like "such as," "including," or "consists of."
  • Example: Geology is the study of many topics, such as rock formations and biological changes in the earth.
  • Terracotta can describe many different colors including light brown or brownish orange.
  • A geode consists of beautiful crystals inside of a stone.
Photo by WilliamMarlow


  • In a list, or series, context clue, the unknown word is included in a series of unrelated words that give an idea of the word's meaning.
  • Examples: The painting was polychromatic, multicolored, vivid, and colorful.
  • A multinational, international, universal, and global company will be a multimillion dollar business.
  • There appears to be a multitude, number, and quantity of people waiting outside of the store.
Photo by Ian Sane


  • In comparison context clues, the unknown word is shown to be the same or like another word.
  • "Too," "like," "as," "similar to, or "in the same way," can be used as signal words.
  • Examples: The auditorium, like the stadium, has impressive acoustics.
  • A phonograph plays records, similar to a record player.
  • A sonnet is a type of poem in the same way an ode is a poem.
Photo by blmiers2


  • In cause and effect context clues, the unknown word is signaled by a cause and effect relationship between ideas in the text.
  • Examples: The vitality of the animal was obvious because it was so lively.
  • Because cans and bottles are not biodegradable, they will not break down into the earth.
  • This artist loves expressive paintings, therefore all of her creations are vivid with color.
  • Due to his interesting life, writers will scramble to write his biography.


  • A description context clue helps the reader infer the unknown word by giving a description of a situation or experience.
  • Examples: The novel has plenty of pictures, drawings and illustrations that are graphic and make me use my imagination.
  • He has been asked to take notes so many times during the meetings; his handwriting makes him a perfect scribe.
  • She spent an exasperating amount of time writing over and over again, working on her manuscript.


  • An inference context clue allows the reader to make an educated guess at what the unknown word means.
  • Example: The colorful stone that the jeweler showed us was aquamarine.
  • (We can infer that aquamarine is some type of color.)
  • The aqueous solution allows solids to float in it.
  • (We can infer that "aqueous" has to do with water or liquid.)
Photo by C. J. Vizzone