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Continental Climate

Published on Feb 11, 2019

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Continental Climate

What Is Continental Climate?

  • it's a relatively dry climate with hot summers and cold winters

Where is it located?

  • Central parts of asia and north america

What is the sub-climate?

  • It exhibits large seasonal temperature contrasts with hot summers and winters
Photo by acidpix

What is the weather like during the season?

  • It often has significant annual temperature(hot summers,cold winters)
  • Summers can feature thunderstorms and frequent cool temperatures; summer weather is more frequent than winter weather.

What Kind of plants and animals?

  • A large variety; animals: bears, wolves, coyotes, deer, snakes, dogs and etc.
  • Plants: trees, wildflowers, chamomile, carrot, cattail \

What clothes should be worn?

  • This depends on the season the continent is currently in, in the summer it'll be very hot, so short clothing and if winter, it'll be very cold, so winter clothing like, long clothing.
Photo by Mamoritai

Any intersting activities you can do?

  • plenty!!! depending on the continent that you're located in, there are multiple activities that could be done, many places to visit, so therefore many activities.
Photo by reynermedia

dangers of each climate?

  • depending on the location and the season the continent is currently in, example: hurricanes, tornado, earthquakes, volcano eruptions
Photo by [WW]