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Cooking Terms

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Photo by ginnerobot

Term: Bake
Definition: To cook by dry heat,usually in the oven.

Term: Boil
Definition: To heat a liquid until bubbles break continually on the surface.

Photo by kuyman

Term: Beat
Definition: To mix rapidly in order to make a mixture smooth and light by incorporating as much air as possible.

Term: Barbecue
Definition: Refers to long-slow direct heat cooking, including liberal basting with a barbecue sauce.

Photo by bill barber

Term: Dice
Definition: To cut food into small cubes of uniform size and shape.

(the tomatoes are diced in the picture)

Term: Grind
Definition: To process solids by hand or mechanically to reduce them to tiny particles.

Photo by kevin dooley

Term: Poach
Definition: To cook very gently in hot liquid kept just below the boiling point.

Photo by MarxFoods.com

Term: Plump
Definition: To soak dried fruits in liquid until they swell.

Photo by PhotoGraham

Term: Roast
Definition: To cook by dry heat in an oven.

Photo by ajagendorf25

Term: Sear
Definition: To brown very quickly by intense heat.

Photo by fung.leo


Photo by Vox Efx