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Slide Notes

Like Route 66 - this is a well worn path...
School Leadership is not NEW!

However, what we are embarking upon will be a new way of leading at Audubon MS.

It will be a renewed spirit of:
Achievement -Teamwork -
Vision -Success - Relevance

Thank you, in advance for accepting the challenge!

Be an exceptional leader -
to yourself first and then you can lead others!
Periodically look back to make sure your team is still following you!
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Coordinator AMS 2014

Published on Nov 20, 2015

Welcome to our new Audubon MS Coordinators:
Have a great school year. Be creative, learning new things, be a risk taker!


Welcome to

Leading & Out of the Classroom Learning!
Like Route 66 - this is a well worn path...
School Leadership is not NEW!

However, what we are embarking upon will be a new way of leading at Audubon MS.

It will be a renewed spirit of:
Achievement -Teamwork -
Vision -Success - Relevance

Thank you, in advance for accepting the challenge!

Be an exceptional leader -
to yourself first and then you can lead others!
Periodically look back to make sure your team is still following you!
Photo by Vvillamon

Our Work Today

Agenda 8/6/14
Photo by marsmet546


  • You, WE, Audubon MS
  • What it Means? ESC Lab School
  • ILT - Indicators of High Quality Transition
  • Beginning to Trust
  • Time to Work:  Our Message

5 Expectations of ILT

  • Be an authentic learner - Be an Eagle Risk Taker
  • Be a catalyst for true change, lead by example in all things
  • Love, teach, nurture, and create opportunities for our children!
  • Role Model Learning, resourcefulness, and team building
  • Complete performance tasks on time and with creativity

Authentic learning

Be the first to find and attend innovative training
Photo by mp_eds

Create Opportunties

Create relevant opportunities for exposure and enrichment
Photo by ajagendorf25


  • Opportunities for:
  • All Stakeholders: Students and Parents 
  • To enrich their Academic, Social, and Emotional lives
  • Show them how to utilize the opportunities
  • A Print Rich = Research Based - Learning Lab in Every Classroom
Photo by Rob Swatski

Think outside of the box

And Take your TEAM with You!
Photo by spcbrass


Make RELEVANT change happen for others.
Photo by coffeego


Audubon Eagles Need You!

You are the leader of your team! What will you Build Together??

Photo by fishgirl7

Performance Tasks

What is the characteristic of your work??
Performance Tasks:

All assigned tasks have a greater purpose.

Ensure that you complete the tasks that you are assigned by:
LAUSD District
State of California
AMS Stakeholders - parents/kids
Photo by crol373

Your Role

Will allow Eagles to learn to fly and then to SOAR!

One Vision
One Voice
One Mission
Welcome 2014-15

Photo by mondopiccolo