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Copia de 7 Habits of Highly Resilient Women

We all get stuck, we all get overwhelmed. But how do some women manage their emotions and solve problems while balancing other priorities in life? How do they keep taking action instead of being stuck in worry? How do they keep a positive attitude in times of adversity? Some people call it 'Mental Toughness', I call it 'Resilience'. These habits are found in resilient women all over the world and in every culture. They are not born with it, but they are taught resilience from others around them or they model others who show that 'mental toughness'.




Do you feel life puts constant roadblocks in your way?

Photo by scazon

Does your attempt to juggle it all make you feel burnt out?

Photo by dank1012

What is Resilience?

There are different meanings to the word - Resilience.
It can be the ability to bounce back.
It can be about mental toughness.
I believe, its the ability to keep functioning by getting unstuck and finding solutions.

An inner strength that helps you bounce back from obstacles

This definition comes from: myhealth.alberta.ca
Inner strength comes learning about emotional resilience. Watch this video for a step-by-step formula on how to build emotional resilience and inner strength:

What is the difference between those who sink and swim in times of adversity?

In 2011, Geroge S. Everly, Executive Director of Resiliency Sciences Institute at the University of Maryland was asked this question.
Photo by MissMessie

George S. Everly said:

  • A lack of perspective stemming from inadeqaute preparation and tenacity.
  • A negative attitude
He further explained that resilience can be taught and self-esteem can be earned through personal accomplishments in the face of a challenge.
Learn more in my book, The Resilience Reflex: 8 Keys To Transforming Barriers into Success In Life and Business
Photo by D-Stanley

Resilient women have setbacks, feel fear and get overwhelmed, but...

Most of us get stuck in the 'blame mindset' when we are faces with challenges. In this mindset you catch yourself saying following questions:
Why do I have this problem?
Whose fault is it that I have this issue?
How long will this go on for?

Resilient women have trained themselves to have a outcome mindset.

They thrive instead of stressing out because...

Donald Meichanbaum, PhD., of the Melissa Institute states:
"Resilience develops from everyday magic of ordinary resources. Resilience is not a sign of exceptional strength, but a fundamental feature of normal, everyday coping skills."
Photo by swanksalot

They are open to new learnings and opportunites

Coping skills come from have an outcome mindset and this means asking the following questions:
What do I want and when do I want it?
What resources do I have available to help me with this challenge?
When I get what I want, what else will improve?
What can I do now to improve this situation?
Photo by Shootingsnow

Resilient Rockstars!
Some examples of resilient women

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Malala Yousafzai born in Mingora, Pakistan. As a child, she became an advocate for girls' education, which resulted in the Taliban issuing a death threat against her. On October 9, 2012, a gunman shot Malala when she was traveling home from school. She survived, and has continued to speak out on the importance of education. In 2014, she became the youngest person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize.
*Source - biography.com

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Indra Krishnamurthy Nooyi (born 28 October 1955) is an India-born, naturalized American, business executive and the current Chairperson and Chief Executive Officer of PepsiCo, the second largest food and beverage business in the world by net revenue. She has consistently ranked among the World's 100 Most Powerful Women. In 2014, she was ranked 13 in the list of Forbes World's 100 most powerful women.
*Source - Wikipedia

Learn these 7 habits now

and make resilience your first reflex!

Habit #1:
They have a routine and plan ahead

When resilient women are committed to something that is important to them, they will create a routine around it. Why? They believe that consistently taking action on tasks that are important creates results over time.
Photo by sachac

Habit #2
They set an intent

Resilient women have a habit of setting the intent before any project, meeting, working with a new client or a new life assignment. Intent comes from the word 'Intendo', in Latin, which means to stretch forward.
Photo by Ed Yourdon

Habit #3:
They are flexible and adaptable

Resilient women know that life is not linear experience, but like the ocean that ebbs and flows. Tides come and go at different times of the month, and sometimes you will experience high tides while other times you will experience low tides. Similarly they know that life’s priorities can shift from one day to the next. Therefore, being flexible in decision-making and planning is imperative.
Photo by @daslive

Habit #4:
They view failure as feedback

Resilient women also have the fear of failure, but they understand if they continue to feed the fear of failure, self-sabotage will follow. Therefore, they focus on succeeding by focusing on their goal and doing the best they can.
Photo by Criterion

Habit #5:
They Turn their Struggle into A Purpose

Habit #6:
They embrace change well

Resilient women are not worried about letting go or re-inventing themselves because they know that letting go of something that isn’t working for them will take them out of chaos and into the world of new opportunity. Instead of fighting against change, they figure out the meaning behind the change.

Habit #7:
They appreciate what they have when going through adversity

When resilient women are faced with challenges they have two streams of thought running though their minds. One is about finding solutions and the other is about all the things they appreciate in life. It’s as though there is a subconscious REFRAME button.

Recap of 4 Habits

  • They have a routine and plan ahead.
  • They set an intent
  • They are flexible and adaptable
  • They view failure as feedback
Here isa recap of the first 4 habits

Remaining 3 habits

  • They turn their struggle into a purpose
  • They embrace change well
  • They appreciate what they have when going through adversity
The remaining 3 habits as a recap

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