7 Estrategias para escribir un Discurso fácilmente
¿Cuál es la parte más difícil al escribir un discurso?
Escriba su discurso
Paso # 1 Aléjese del computador
No empiece con PowerPoint
Introdúzcase en la mente de su audiencia
Paso # 2 Encuentre la IDEA PRINCIPAL
¿Cuál es la idea principal que deseas que tu audiencia recuerde?
La IDEA PRINCIPAL es lo que debe inspirar tu presentación
#3 Give the audience what they need
Don't ask "what should I speak about?"
Instead ask "How can I be of service?"
#4 Plan your call-to-action
Know the destination of your presentation
Focus the CTA on one action
For every minute you speak...
20-minute speech
20-hours of prep
#6 Discover your writing strategy
There's no best way to write a speech
Find the method that works for you
Hire a coach to make your message remarkable
Prep makes your speech a successp
Make your speech remarkable
Make your speech remarkable