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Slide Notes

This Haiku Deck presentation template for idea sharing was created using the Volterra theme, image filters on.

More about Haiku Deck themes: http://blog.haikudeck.com/presentation-templates-with-pizzazz/
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Copia de Idea Sharing Presentation Template

Published on Nov 18, 2015

Simple, beautiful, flexible presentation template to share an idea. Ideas: present at a meetup or conference, embed in blog or website, post to social media channels.


Los animales

This Haiku Deck presentation template for idea sharing was created using the Volterra theme, image filters on.

More about Haiku Deck themes: http://blog.haikudeck.com/presentation-templates-with-pizzazz/
Photo by Dimas_


Haiku Deck's minimal format encourages concise, bold headlines.

You can import your own image (http://blog.haikudeck.com/import-images-like-a-pro/) or use the integrated Creative Commons image search for a more metaphorical approach (More about that here:


Focusing attention on one key number, with a well-chosen visual, can effectively grab and hold attention.

Helpful tips for finding powerful images here:

Hola como mola esto pero no me convence para fq

It's good practice to focus on one big, shareable, memorable idea at a time.

Make it big and bold!
Photo by Kup Kup Land

Key Point 1

You can support your big idea with three key points.

Presenting them one at a time, rather than all at once, helps each one sink in.
Photo by zen

Key Point 2

Photo by zilverbat.

Supporting Evidence

Here's an example of a Haiku Deck bar chart, a quick way to showcase simple data or trends.

More about Haiku Deck charts and graphs here:

Key Point 3


Photo by Funky Tee


  • Summary of big idea
  • Recap of 3 key points
  • Memorable closer/call to action
Here you can recap your big idea and your three key points.

More about creating Haiku Deck lists here:

Contact Info

website @twitter email
You can end with your contact information, website, etc. -- and include more detail in the Notes if needed.

More about Haiku Deck Notes:

Have a great example of an idea sharing Haiku Deck? Be sure to share it with us at gallery@haikudeck.com!