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Slide Notes

Start with your name and the name of your project. In some cases, a presentation will start with an attention-grabbing opening, an anecdote, a dramatic stat or fact, or a question for the audience. These devices help to engage the audience, grab everyone's attention, and establish your confidence as you get going.
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Copia de Startup Pitch Template

Published on Nov 19, 2015

A simple 10-slide template for a startup pitch that explains what the startup does, how it works, who is behind it, and other basic elements.


Untitled Slide

Start with your name and the name of your project. In some cases, a presentation will start with an attention-grabbing opening, an anecdote, a dramatic stat or fact, or a question for the audience. These devices help to engage the audience, grab everyone's attention, and establish your confidence as you get going.
Photo by Robby Ryke


  • Avión: Volaris a Tijuana
  • Transporte terrestre: Van escolar
Explain what the project/product/service actually is. What does it do? How does it work in very simple terms. This could be a short "elevator pitch" summary of your project so that people know exactly what project you're pitching.
Photo by cercamon


  • Pasaporte vigente
  • Visa de turista a EU
  • El Formato de Salida de Menores (SAM): www.inm.gob.mx, el padre o tutor registra el formulario de autorización en internet, mismo que deberá ser llenado en línea e impreso en tres tantos para que sea presentado ante la autoridad migratoria en el momento en que un menor de edad pretenda salir del país
Explain why this product/service is needed and provide some context for your project. Why is the problem worth solving?
Photo by kahunapulej

El SAM es un documento gratuito, en el que consta la autorización de quienes ejerzan la patria potestad o la tutela, cuando la niña, niño o adolescente o la persona bajo tutela jurídica en términos de la legislación civil, vaya acompañado por un tercero mayor de edad, distinto de quienes ejerzan sobre ellos la patria potestad o la tutela, o viaje solo; será válido para una salida del territorio nacional y tendrá un vigencia de 180 días desde su emisión. Sólo podrá tramitarse un formato por cada salida y por cada menor que salga del país.

Make clear who this project/service/product is aimed at. Is it for a particular geographic audience, or a particular demographic group? Or is it for people with a particular interest (i.e. a psychographic?) Or maybe it's for people who have a particular problem or a certain need. Make clear who you are building this product/service/project for so that it's clear who will benefit from it.
Photo by krembo1


  • La ciudad con mejor calidad de vida en EU.
  • California, el Inglés más universal
  • San Diego State University
How will people find out about this product/service/Web site/project? Mentioning vaguely that you'll use social media to get the word out is generally not sufficient. It's important to explain how you'll raise awareness for this in a marketplace that is increasingly cluttered with all sorts of new apps/sites/products/services launching every day. What techniques/tactics/tools will you use, or how will you go about taking advantage of existing or new platforms to reach your intended audience? How will you measure progress in reaching your audience? What will success look like in reaching your audience? What are key metrics/performance indicators that you'll be assessing as your project moves forward?


  • Playa
  • Casa con todos los servicios
  • Maestros nativos
  • Experiencia de inmersión al 100%
How will you make ends meet? What do you expect your primary three, five or 10 costs will be? What do you expect your primary revenue streams to look like, and how long do you expect it might take for you to get to that point? Why will people pay for your service/product and how will the value proposition differ from other products/services people are paying for?
Photo by LaPrimaDonna


What have you done in the past that has prepared you to take on this new challenge? Why are you well-suited to succeed in this venture? How will others help you, and what relevant skills/experience will they bring to the project? How will you go about building your team from here and adding necessary expertise?
Photo by JeepersMedia


Fill in additional information here that will answer questions lingering in the audience. What does the competitive landscape look like? What are some obstacles you anticipate you'll have to overcome? How will your design approach distinguish your project? What unique approach/vision/ideals do you have that inform the project in progress?


What are the next steps you need to take? What are the key things you need to do to advance the project in the coming weeks and months? What is your timeline for moving forward? What does the roadmap for your project look like? What are your goals for the upcoming period?
Photo by sherimiya ♥


What amount of money, or what other kind of help would be helpful to you in advancing your project? How can people contact you afterwards to offer help?

INMERSION 100%/24 7

  • Actividades diarias: Warm up, juegos, movie time, deportes, pintura, teatro, karaoke, fiestas, concursos, rallys.
  • Rutinas, comida saludable, hábitos y autonomía.


Photo by NVJ




Photo by Jamesy Peña


Photo by Justin in SD


Photo by Justin in SD

Untitled Slide

Untitled Slide

Untitled Slide