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Pleased to present
"Award Winning Gym Design"

a look at the gym design process of Trainerspace and its 1st year of operation.

Trainerspace is located at Boca Raton, Florida USA.


If you have any questions please contact me joe.csa@gmail.com

Live Stronger If You Dare!

Joe Lewis
#JoeFitAsia #GymDesign #GymBranding #GymConsultant #GymEquipment #WellnessMeansBusiness

Copy of Award Winning Gym Design

Published on Nov 13, 2017

Pleased to have been selected for Haiku Deck Gallery November 19, 2017. Top presentations from our creative community. https://www.haikudeck.com/gallery/featured

Posted November 17, 2017

Welcome to "Award Winning Gym Design"

a look at the gym design process and 1st year of opening of Trainspace located in Boca Raton Florida.

If you have any questions please contact me.

Live Stronger If You Dare!

Joe Lewis



Strategic Treatment Upgrade


Pleased to present
"Award Winning Gym Design"

a look at the gym design process of Trainerspace and its 1st year of operation.

Trainerspace is located at Boca Raton, Florida USA.


If you have any questions please contact me joe.csa@gmail.com

Live Stronger If You Dare!

Joe Lewis
#JoeFitAsia #GymDesign #GymBranding #GymConsultant #GymEquipment #WellnessMeansBusiness

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#IHRSA has selected our client's facility, Trainerspace of Boca Raton, FL to grace the cover of their 2018 F.I.T. Commercial Fitness Guide.

International Health Racquet, Sports Association

The guide is the consummate resource for equipment, products and services in support of the fitness industry. It's simple organized format results in a seamless research tool facilitating commerce between vendor and developers.

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Award of Merit


Fitness Institute International

Presented to #Trainerspace

For Setting The Standard Of Excellence And Professional Service For A Personal Training Center.

Through The Operation Of An Extraordinary Designed Facility With A Highly Credentialed And Caring Staff.

#IHRSA has selected our client's facility

#IHRSA has selected our client's facility

Linkedin Publication
by Joe Lewis


Here's why it's a winning formula

Superior: Gym Concept, Gym Design, Gym Branding, Equipment, Amenities, Staff Hiring, Staff Training, Culture, Swag, Social Media and above all else Client Results.

No doubt a winning formula that you can take to the bank.

Let's start from the beginning

7 months from start to doors open. Total area 1850 sm

Selection of Cuoco Black Fitness Center Design

We are a design agency assisting developers in the creation of new conceptual physical culture facilities, franchise models and luxury gym brands.


Cuoco Black

Cuoco Black is a trusted and respected master fitness facility designer, gym brand architect, design academic and natural bodybuilder.

A former faculty member of the New York School of Interior Design, Black advocates for the development of conceptual and theatrical gym models that dominate consumer attention in any fitness marketplace.

The designer promotes an ideal that fitness facilities must embrace design attributes which embrace luxury, telegraph fitness, inspire and motivate fitness consumers to exercise; and most importantly, amplify the brand.

His work includes independent gyms, personal training studios, women's only facilities, residential fitness centers and new franchise models.

design concept underway

detailed drawings

ideas for art design for some ceiling areas

ideas for design concept

design concept

Renovations underway

You just gotta love the high ceilings!

ongoing works

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Pro shop construction underway

gym equipment placement

Gym area taking form

Entrance taking form

The doors opened November 2016

Glam gym with a mission: Trainerspace opens in Boca Raton

a $4 million wonderland of gleaming exercise equipment and rows of free weights

Glam gym with a mission: Trainerspace opens in Boca Raton


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Two US Military Veterans and a small, dedicated team of patriots were able to build the finest, most luxurious, amazing, ridiculously well-equipped, concierge-level fitness training center in the United States of America in Boca Raton.

Trainerspace - Personal Training Facility

Trainerspace - Personal Training Facility

Link to Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJvQTb-ZUVs

Entrance and reception desk

#WOW Reception @ Trainerspace

New Era of Gym Branding

Pro Shop

Pro Shop

Evaluation Room

3D Body Scan

Backside of male locker room

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Women's Locker room 1st Anniversary

Thanks to @lindadurbesson_ and #teamtrainerspace for a shot of their uber cool women's locker room.

 uber cool men's locker room

Thanks to #davidk_fitness and #teamtrainerspace for a shot of their uber cool men's locker room.

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Details matter

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entry passage to reception!

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highly distinctive back-linking, reflecting the developer's branding platform

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Logan Skees awarded the Governor's Young Entrepreneur Award

Congratulations to Logan Skees for being awarded the Governor’s Young Entrepreneur Award! It is an honor for Logan and Trainerspace to be a part of defining next-generation American patriotism.

Trainerspace Video Invitation for 1-year Anniversary Masquerade Party

Trainerspace Video Invitation for 1-year Anniversary Masquerade Party

Link to Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IiN3Tmcitqc

Trainerspace is veteran owned 

Did you know Trainerspace is veteran owned and most of our employees are compromised of veterans from every military branch?

How We Got The Cover Of IHRSA'S 2018 F.I.T. Commercial Fitness Guide

How We Got The Cover Of IHRSA'S 2018 F.I.T. Commercial Fitness Guide


An Open Letter Thank You To IHRSA

Cuoco Black

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If you want to be an 'A Player

in the gym business
If you want to be an 'A Player in the gym business in Asia or the Middle East, please contact me.

If you're looking for a gym concept that:

Differentiates and is Distinctive...

that doesn't drown in a sea of similarity and boredom like all the other typical "cookie-cutter" conventional out of date gym concepts...

Disrupts and creates new opportunities! Doesn't follow the rules.

Here's my email address if you would like to begin a conversation about your new gym concept being one of the best on the planet.

Live Stronger If You Dare!

Joe Lewis


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JoeFitAsia @ A Glance


If you have any questions about Joe-Fit-Asia please contact me


Live Stronger If You Dare!

Joe Lewis

#JoeFitAsia #GymDesign #GymBranding #GymConsultant #GymEquipment #WellnessMeansBusiness #OneHealthOneWellness #Asia #MiddleEast

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Josephine Toh

Haiku Deck Pro User