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Published on Nov 24, 2015

Bully Prevention Program Project example for persuasion writing


Bully Prevention

Why It Matters and What YOU Can Do To Help!

Have ever seen someone being bullied? It is something that is not uncommon as you as you think! Everyday at schools, it is estimated that 160,000 kids miss school because they are afraid of being bully by peers at school. Looks this is little girl, how do you think she is feeling? Why is she feeling this way? What would you do to help? Anything? Nothing?

Bullying is a growing epidemic in our schools, which is why I want to raise awareness and start a bully prevention program in our school!

Reasons to Start a Bully Prevention Program

It will reduce bullying in your school. It is reported that a prevention program will decrease bullying up to 25%! Imagine that! For every 100 kids being bullied, the bullying will stop for up to 25 kids! That is 25 more kids feeling safe to come to school.

Photo by mohammadali

With a bully prevention program, the days of other kids standing around and watching are gone! No more BYSTANDERS!

Bullying is less likely to occur when there is support for the victims all around the school!

Photo by mrlins

Its also possible that when bullying stop, incidents of other bad behaviors will stop too. This means less fighting and other violence.

Photo by .aditya.

You have the opportunity to make a huge difference! Please join me and sign my petition. Let's get a bully prevention program in our school. Bully free begins with ME!

Photo by zzclef