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Copy of Catcher in the Rye Chapter Questions

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Catcher in the Rye

Important Questions for each chapter, for review
Photo by Agrofilms

Chapter 1
Who is the "you" being addressed in this chapter (and throughout the book?)

Photo by Nataraj Metz

Chapter 2
Why does Holden feel bad when Mr. Spenser reads him his history exam?

Chapter 3
What does Holden think of the principal at his old school: Ol'Ossenburger?

Photo by Claudio.Ar

Chapter 4 - 6
Why does Holden write about his brother's baseball mitt? Why does he ask if Jane still "keeps all her kings on the back row?"

Photo by Agrofilms

Chapter 7
Why does Holden feel bad about getting kicked out? What does he think when he finds the ice skates his mom bought him?

Chapter 8
What does Holden lie to Mrs. Morrow about her son? What does Holden get out of this conversation?

Photo by hyperion327

Ch. 9
Duck alert!
Why does Holden judge the behavior he sees at the hotel?

Ch. 10
How does Holden describe Phoebe? How does she compare to the girls in the Lavender Room?

Chapters 11 and 12
Why is Holden's memory of Jane Gallagher important?
Duck alert! He asks second cabbie about it.

Photo by pigpogm

Chapter 13:
Why doesn't Holden sleep with Sunny, the prostitute?

Photo by Squiggle

Chapter 14:
Why does Holden cry when Maurice the pimp shows up? What does he think about after he leaves?

Photo by vmiramontes

Chapter 15
Why does Holden compare the nuns to Mrs. Morrow?

Photo by R. Motti

Chapter 16
First mention of "Catcher in the Rye." Explain what it means.
Also, why does Holden like the museum he went to as a kid?

Photo by Thomas Hawk

Chapter 17
What do Holden and Sally talk about after they go ice skating?
How does Sally feel about this and why does she tell him to stop shouting?

Photo by Maciek Lulko

Chapter 18
Who does Allie send a postcard to in the orchestra? Why?
How did the war affect D.B?

Photo by Ethan Prater

Chapter 19
Old Luce tells Holden his mind is immature. What does Luce tell Holden about his thought patterns?

Chapter 20
Duck alert!
What does Holden's discussion of the ducks in this chapter mean for his character, his life and the plot of the book overall?

Chapter 21
Why does Holden like to read Phoebe's notebooks? How does Phoebe react when she sees him?

Photo by rennes.i

Chapter 22
"Catcher" reference.
When Phoebe asks, what does Holden say he likes a lot?

Photo by zharcos

Chapter 23
Why does Holden cry (again) at the end of this chapter?

Chapter 24
Does Mr. Antolini give Holden any good advice between highballs? If so, give a few examples.

Photo by mugley

Chapter 25 (Part I)
What hallucinations does Holden have as he walks towards Phoebe's elementary school?

Photo by flowercat

Chapter 25 (Part II)
What does Holden see scratched in the walls of the elementary school and at the museum? Why does this upset him?

Photo by D.H. Parks

Chapter 25 (Part III)
What is the significance of the carousel scene? What does the hunting hat symbolize?

Chapter 26
What is finally revealed about Holden here? Does the setting and his current situation change your view of the narration?

Closing, Overarching Questions:

What is the source of Holden's behavior: Allie's death? Society? His mental illness? His laziness? His lack of ability to adapt?

Photo by italianjob17

Why does Holden feel so alienated?

Photo by Adam Lerner

What will Holden's future be like? If you were to imagine him thirty years from now, what would be be doing?

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