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Copy of Colonial Acts And Taxation

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Molasses Act/Sugar Act
There was a tax on sugar and molasses. 1 penny per gallon of molasses. George Grenville refused to listen and placed a 3 penny tax on foreign molasses.

Stamp Act
The English colonists only wanted to be taxed only by their own consent. In addition to no importation agreement among colonial merchants.

Quartering Acts
It was a tax on food, drinks, quarters, fuel, and transportation to British forces stationed in their towns or villages.

Tea Act
Was placed by the British to help struggling tea companies. It causes the Boston Tea Party

Intolerable Act
It was the start of housing British troops. It affected the colonists because it was taking up their food, their water, and their living space.

Boston Tea Party
The colonists disguised themselves as Mohawk Indians and 342 chests of tea were thrown into the water belonging to the British.