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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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  • Massachusetts
  • Connecticut
  • Rhode Island
  • New Hampshire


  • New York
  • New Jersey
  • Pennsylvania
  • Delaware


  • Maryland
  • Virginia
  • North Carolina
  • South Carolina
  • Georgia


  • Founder- William Bradford/ John Winthdrop
  • Year founded-1620/ 1629
  • Why- Religious freedom for Pilgrims and Puritans.
  • Only male church members that owned property could vote
  • Massachusetts tribe (word means "large hill place")
  • Major Industry: Agriculture (fishing, corn, livestock), Manufacturing (lumbering, shipbuilding)
  • Mass+chew+setts


  • Founder- Thomas Hooker
  • Year founded- 1635
  • Why- Religious and Political freedom Thomas Hooker believed that the governor (Winthrop) had too much power in Massachusetts.
  • Word taken from a Native Indian phrase meaning “river whose water is driven by tides or winds.”
  • Major Industry: Agriculture (wheat, corn, fishing) Their government was fundamental orders of Connecticut
  • Connect+a+cut

Rhode Island

  • Founder- Roger Williams
  • Year founded- 1636
  • Why- Separation of church, state, and religious toleration.
  • Rhode Island was the last of the original thirteen colonies to become a state.
  • All men that owned property could vote
  • Colony Named for: Dutch for "red island"
  • Road+Island


  • Founder- Sir Ferdinado Gorges and John Mason
  • Year founded- 1623
  • Why- Trading and fishing villages that were part of Massachusetts that asked to be a separate colony.
  • Government- The president and council being appointed by the crown and the assembly elected by the people.
  • Major Industry: Agriculture (potatoes, fishing), Manufacturing (textiles, shipbuilding)
  • Major Cities: Concord
  • New+Hamp+sure


  • Founder- Peter Minuit (Dutch) Duke of York (English)
  • Year founded- 1664
  • Why- Economic and political reasons, the Ditch colony on the Hudson separated the New England Colonies and threatened America with British rule. King Charles ll gave his brother the whole country from Connecticut to Delaware. English captured Amsterdam Harbor.
  • Major Industry: Manufacturing (shipbuilding, iron works), Agriculture (cattle, grain, rice, indigo, wheat)
  • New York used to be call New "Netherlands" until renamed by the Duke of York
  • Major Cities: New York City, Albany New+your+k


  • Founder- Lord Berkeley and Sir George Carteret
  • Year founded- 1664
  • Why- New Jersey was included in the grant of Charles ll to his brother James, The Duke of York in 1664. The Duke thought he had too much land to rule so he separated the colony and gave what is now called N.J. to his friends to rule.
  • Major Industry: Manufacturing (ironworking, lumbering)
  • Colony Named for: Isle of Jersey in England
  • Major Cities: Trenton, Princeton
  • New+Jersey


  • Founder- William Penn
  • Year founded- 1682
  • Why- A colony founded so Quaker could worship freely Penn believed in religious tolerance. All religions were welcomed .
  • Colony Named for: William Penn's father and sylvania, Latin for "forest"
  • Major Industry: Agriculture (wheat, corn, cattle, dairy), Manufacturing (textiles, papermaking, shipbuilding)
  • Major Cities: Philadelphia, Lancaster, York
  • Pens+seal+vein+e+a


  • Founder- Peter Minuit
  • Year founded- 1638 (Dutch), 1664 (Part of P.A.), 1701 (separate colony)
  • Why- Formed by the Swedes for religious freedom, then the English. Delaware demanded a separate government. They complained about Philadelphia being too far to travel. Penn granted their requests. All religions were welcomed.
  • Colony Named for: named for the Delaware tribe and for an early governor of colonial Virginia, Lord de la War.
  • Major Industry: Agriculture (fishing), Manufacturing (lumbering)
  • Major Cities: Wilmington
  • Deli+where


  • Founder- lord Baltimore
  • Year founded- 1632 charter, 1634 settled
  • Why- Founded so Catholics could worship freely
  • Act of toleration- Welcomed all Christians
  • Lord Baltimore had almost kingly powers he could not tax his people without consent and they were making their own laws soon.
  • The government of the colony was very similar to the Feudal Estates during the Middle Ages
  • Marry+land


  • Founder- Virginia company/ John Smith
  • Year founded- 1607
  • Why- Profit from trade and farming (tobacco).
  • Major Industry: Plantation agriculture (tobacco, wheat, corn)
  • Colony Named for: England's "Virgin Queen," Elizabeth I
  • Major Cities: Jamestown, Williamsburg, Richmond
  • Fur+gen+a


  • Founder- Poor tobacco farmers
  • Year founded- 1663, 1712 (separate colony)
  • Why- Profit from trade and farming.
  • Government- People had little say.
  • Colony Named for: from Carolus, the Latin word for "Charles," Charles I of England
  • Major Cities: Raleigh
  • North+care+o+lina


  • Founder- 8 English nobles
  • Year founded- 1663, 1712 (separate colony)
  • Why- Profit from trade and farming.
  • Major Industry: Plantation agriculture (indigo, rice, tobacco, cotton, cattle)
  • Colony Named for: from Carolus, the Latin word for "Charles," Charles I of England
  • Major Cities: Charleston
  • South+care+o+lina


  • Founder- James Oglethrope
  • Year founded- 1732
  • Why- Founded as a haven for debtors.Acted as a buffer zone between North Carolina and Spanish Florida.
  • Major Cities: Savannah
  • Colony Named for: England's King George I
  • Major Industry: Agriculture (indigo, rice, sugar)
  • George+a