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Photo by Al_HikesAZ



Administrative Responsibilities Due By December 2015

  • Provide professional development during staff and PLC meetings on close reading
  • Provide literature on close reading strategy for teachers implementing the strategy
  • Meet with the district literacy coach to organize support in the classroom
  • Meet with the district curriculum director
  • Work with classroom teachers to adjust curriculum based on student need
  • Use the data to guide curriculum changes

Teacher Responsibilities Due By June 2016

  • Attend professional development as needed
  • Collaborate in PLC's to discuss and understand implementing the close reading strategy
  • Communicate with colleagues and families about how close reading will be integrated into content area units
  • Review student data to adjust lessons to meet the needs of all students
  • Differentiate lessons based on student need
  • Use the rubrics to evaluate assessments

3rd grade units to integrate close reading

  • Literacy: Characters Into Meaning: Because of Winn Dixie
  • Science: Engineering is Elementary: Building Bridges
  • Social Studies: Community and the World Around Us: Beatrice's Goat

Standards Assessed
RL.3.1 Understanding of Text, Finding Evidence in the Text, CLOSE READING
Rl.3.2 - RL.3.87, and RL.3.10
Speaking and listening SL.3.1c, SL.3.1d

Science Engineering Unit: Engineering is Elementary, Bridge Building
Writing Standards: W.3.1 a-d, W.3.4, W.3.8
Math standards: 3.MD.A., 3.MD.B
MP3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
NGSS- Practice 7. Science and Engineering Practices (3-5)

Close Reading in Characters into meaning unit

  • Because of Winn Dixie by Kate DiCamillo read aloud
  • Lesson intros after chapter 26
  • Guided close read of chapter 26 modeled with students
  • Planning page and scaffolded essay

Science Engineering unit bridges

  • Pop's Bridge by Eve Bunting read aloud
  • Guided close read as whole class and small group of the author's note
  • Planning page and scaffolded essay for Golden Gate Bridge

Social Studies community and world unit

  • Beatrice's Goat by Page McBrier read aloud
  • Model just the beginning of close read then students complete in small groups or individually
  • Planning Page and independent essay responding to how Mugisa changed Beatrice's life with evidence from the text

Untitled Slide

Rubric 1

Rubric 2


  • Close reading in unit 1 presented by grade 3 teachers in literacy unit by December 1, 2015
  • Close reading in unit 2 presented by grade 3 teachers in science by March 1, 2016
  • Close reading in unit 3 presented by grade 3 teachers in social studies by June 1, 2016


  • All third grade teachers should be ready to fully implement close reading in each of these units by September 2016.
  • Third grade teachers meet during June 2016 inservice to modify and adjust units to include close reading strategy.
  • Units must include standards addressed, vigorous text for close read, planning page for essay, and the scaffold for writing the essay.
  • Differentiation and technology must be respresented in each unit during the close reading lessons.


  • Staff and PLC time for reflection of implementation of these units should be respected
  • The district employes only one literacy coach across the district
  • English language teachers must also become knowledgeable on teaching close reading to ELL's

Overcoming Barriers

  • Provide teachers with the support they need
  • Make sure intervention blocks are fully staffed
  • Provide coverage for support staff in the case of an absence so students still receive services