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Democracy in Mexico

How do"individuals" Become leaders

in Mexico?
Photo by CIMMYT

President need to win the popular vote

(The % of citizens vote)

Citizens can have chance to give their opinion to government, and government can know what's citizens idea.

Photo by Sharon Pazner

Who makes the decisions in Mexico?

Photo by Esparta

President, Congress, Judicial

Makes the decisions in mexico

In president they only can do 6 years

and they cannot be president again!
Photo by planeta

No one group have 100% power!

Photo by Leo Reynolds

What rights do people have?

Photo by Leonrw

People have much rights in Mexico

For example:
Photo by Jumpin'Jack

1. They can believe their religion in free

2. They also have rights to vote

Photo by parker yo!

How does Mexico raise money?

Photo by terrypresley

1. By tourism

Photo by Esparta

2. By Trade

3. By petroleum

Two Benefit of democracy

In Mexico government
Photo by kreg.steppe

1. People have rights

Photo by DaveBleasdale

on different type of work organized and good

2.Three levels of government can work   

Three levels of government finish work with plan

Same like Team work!

Drawback of Democracy

In Mexico government
Photo by Leo Reynolds

Still have lots of Criminal syndicate in country

Photo by Dunechaser

Happened In Mexico on television

Heard some bad things 
Photo by heanster

What do I think about it ?

I think Mexico should have more control on public security
Photo by theqspeaks

Thank you for watching!

Photo by uteart

Catching the prisoner

(*@ο@*) WOW~