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Copy of Ernest Hemingway

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  • He started his career by being a news paper writer for the Kansas City news paper office

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  • After the United States entered world war 1 he joined as a volunteer ambulance driver for the Italian army.
  • Got wounded while in war.

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  • During the 20's Hemingway became a member of the group of expatriate Americans in Paris.

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  • Was well known for his two best selling books which were.
  • A farewell to arms
  • The old man at sea

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  • Committing suicied was basically part of his family trait. His dad and grandpa did.
  • Hemingway killed himself on July 2, 1961 in Idaho

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  • For his services during world war 1 he got awarded the Italian silver medal of bravery.

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  • In Paris Hemingway became a major key part of what Gertrude stein would end up calling "the lost generation".

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  • He reported the Spanish civil war in 1927.
  • He needed up meeting up with an old war buddy named Martha Gellhorn which ended up being wife number 3.

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  • Hemingway left behind an impressive body of work and iconic style of learning that writing still influence off of today.

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