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Published on Apr 05, 2016

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Rome from A to Z

By. Anna D.

A is for Augustus

  • He was the first emperor of Rome
  • Augustus real name is Octavian
  • He died in AD 14
  • After his death his stepson, Tiberis, became king

B is for Baths

  • Romans took baths in a building outside their house
  • Before Romans got into the bath they went through and elaborate process
  • After bathing they didn't go home they went to the library, bought food, or watched a performance
  • To heat the bath houses they used a hypocaust which lifted the floor of the ground using pillars and leaving spaces inbetween the walls
  • Bathing was a social event and it was for entertainment
  • Boys and girls did not bathe together

C is for Colosseum

  • It was started after in the aftermath of Nero extravagence and the rebellion by the jews in Palentstine
  • It was a Grand Political Gesture
  • Opened in AD 80
  • It was opened by Vespasian's son and successor, Titus.
  • Roman built many amphitheaters like the Colosseus

D is for Deities

  • Romans revered all 12 gods and goddessses above all
  • Gave their deities Latin names
  • Their was a tribe in Rome called Latin

E is for Education

  • Rome's education was based on the Greek system
  • Many private tutors in the Roman system were Greek slaves or Greek freedman
  • Education in Rome progressed from an informal, familial system of education in the early Republic to a tuition-based system during the late Republic and the Empire.

F is for Flavius

  • Flavius was the middle name of Titus, a Roman emperor
  • His father was a tac collector
  • His mother, Vespasia Polla, belonged to an equestrian family, and her brother managed to become senator.

G is for Greek Gods and Goddesses

  • Romans and Greeks had the same gods and goddesses they were just named differently
  • Diana in Rome was Artemis in Greece. Artemis was the goddess of the wilderness, the hunt and wild animals, and fertility
  • Zeus in Greece was Jupitar in Rome
  • Minerva in Rome was Athena in Greece

H is for Hercules

  • Hercules is the Roman name for Heracles
  • He was the son of Zeus
  • Hercules is known for his strength but also for completing 12 tasks, or labors, known as the 12 Tables

I is for Inventions

  • Romans invented lots of things
  • But they did not invent the arch
  • Roman were the first to build arches into building though
  • They also invented concrete
  • One of the greatest inventions was the Aqueducts
  • Aqueducts were meant to carry water

J is for Julius Ceaser

  • Ceaser conquered all of Ghaul
  • For nine years he had been fighting bloody wars
  • He was a Patrician
  • He was assassinated on March 15th in 44 BC

K is for Killing

  • Punic Wars were fought between Rome and Cathage from 264 BC to 146 BC.
  • The Battle of Cynoscephalae (364 BC) in this battle they defeated Alexander the Great which means that Rome had become the dominent world power
  • Caesar's Civil War (49 - 45 BC) He battled against Pompey The Great

L is for Leaders

  • Claudias is Tiberius nephew
  • Trajan Increased the territory of the roman empire
  • Hardian relised it was to much land to defend so he abononded Trajans conquest in Parthia
  • Claudias started the invasion of Britian

M is for Marcus Aurelius

  • A clever emperor
  • Thought all people were basically the same
  • He had to take care of the empire AND his son, Commodus because he liked dressing as a gladiator and killed people for fun

N is for Nero

  • Adopted son of Claudius
  • Agrippina poisoned Claudius(second husband) so Nero could become emperor
  • He was blamed for a fire that burned down most of Rome in AD 64
  • In the end he committed suicide

O is for Orcus

  • God of the Underworld
  • Hades is the Greek name for Orcus
  • Ancient Romans beat the ground to get his attention

P is for Pantheon

  • It is a temple
  • Built as a Roman Temple but then later consercrated as a Catholic Church
  • Consists of 3 rows with 8 collumns
  • The dome has a span of 43.2 m (142 feet)

Q is for conQuest

  • The Conquest of Britian was a gradual process
  • Began in AD 43 under Emperor Claudias

R is for Romulus and Remus

  • The King didn't want them so he put them in a river hoping they would drown
  • A wolf found them and took care of them
  • They decided to build a city where the wolf found them
  • They both wanted to be king so they battled
  • Remus was killed by Romulus

S is for Septimius Severus

  • Was born in Libya North Africa
  • Was made emperor by the army
  • He ignored the senate and relied on the army
  • He died at York while on a military expedition in Britain

T is for Trajan

  • First non-Roman Emperor
  • Increased the Territory of the Roman Empire
  • Officially declared "Best Ruler" by Senate
  • He was the thirteenth Roman Emperor and the second of the Five Good Emperors.
  • His real name was Marcus Ulpius Traianus

U is for Underworld

  • Considered to be surrounded by 5 rivers
  • Acheron, the Cocytus, the Phlegethon, the Styx, and the Lethe.
  • After the 5 rivers there was a diamond gate
  • A soul was led by Hermes
Photo by i k o

V is for Victorinus

  • Reined from 269 through 271
  • First emperor of the Gallic Empire
  • The Gallic Empire is the modern name for a breakaway part of the Roman Empire that functioned as a separate state from 260 to 274.
Photo by R0ssc0

W is for Weekend

  • Romana were very busy and didn´t have much free time
  • They enjoyed fights with Gladiators
  • Romans hunted animals for fun too
Photo by Jon Himoff

X is for eXpectations

  • Their rules went from the 12 Tables to the Corpus Juris Civilis
  • TABLE I Procedure: for courts and trials TABLE II Trials, continued. TABLE III Debt TABLE IV Rights of fathers (paterfamilias) over the family TABLE V Legal guardianship and inheritance laws
Photo by seier+seier

Y is for Yawn

  • Mattresses in the Roman times were bags of cloth stuffed with reeds, hay, or wool
  • Wealthy people filled the bag with feathers
  • Wealthy people also slept on water beds
Photo by lism.

Z is for Zama

  • Last battle of the 2nd Punic Wars
  • Hannibalś first and only defeat
  • Fought a few miles from Carthage
Photo by BagoGames


  • When a Gladiator retired he got a wooden sword as a prize
  • Many Roman disliked philosophy
  • Emperors poisoned themselves everyday to gain immunity
  • The Ancient Rome civilization began on the Italian Peninsula as early as the 8th century BC.

The End